A lot has been said about the rental power since 2008, when I first heard it from ther HORSE's mouth (the person who had come to give the SALES PITCH), when the Petroleum Miinister visited Houston. It is really very stupid to let not only the people of Pakistan suffer everyday due to lack of electricity (8 to 14 hours), but also it has DECREASED the productivity (in all respects) of the nation. Being a Physicist I can tell you that all other options, like Hydel Power, Coal, etc. will not cure the problems TOMORROW, but it will take at least ten hours plus MILLIONS of DOLLARS of INVESTMENT (mostly borrowed money) when the people will start receiving ELECTRONS (Electricity) through the GRID (which cannot serve the entire geogrphical areas). THe only viable Solution is to use Renewable Energy Sources (such as SOLAR, WIND, and SMALL HYDRO), that can serve the needs of people (from POOR to RICH) in the nation, without further placing the country under ADDITIONAL DEBT.
I was in Shanghai, China during the first week of May, 2010, to attend the world's largest Solar Conference/Exhibition with 1300 exhibition booths), where the Chinese proved that not only CHINA will lead the world in Solar Technology, but they also shattered the myth of SOLAR being "too - EXPENSIVE." Compared to prices, two or three years ago, when the cost of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Modules was about $ 5 (dollars) per Watt, which has dropped down to $1.2 Dollars per Watt in 2010. By adding the cost of Charge Controllers/Inverters, plus hardware, the cost has come down to about $ 3.5 Dollars per Watt (installed system). There is no COST of SUNLIGHT, coming directly to each one of us everyday FREE as a gift from our Creator, and the life of these (Crystalline Silicon PV Technology) PV Modules is more than 20 Years, and since there are no moving parts, Solar Systems require least amount of maintenance. Throughout the developed world, a policy of Connecting this Electrical source to the GRID (first formulatred by Pres. Jimmy Carter in 1978) has been adopted, whereby, the Electric Utility companies are required by law to buy Electricity produced through Solar Energy by the consumer is bought back (through Grid-Tie systems). This makes everyone a winner, the Consumers earn money by sending Solar Electricity to the Grid (through their existing meter, which reads the diffference of energy to be billed), and it helps the society by decreasing the need for building more Power Generating Stations. This in turn helps the Environment to reduce the Air Pollution, which effects the changes in the Climate by reduced Earth Warming (a realty not fiction). Solar Systems are avaialble from 15-Watts to Several Kilo-Watts, and now Solar PV Farms approaching 500 Mega-Watts (largest to be built by Chinese in Arizona by the Chinese). These solar systems are within the affordable limits of all users, and do not require further burden on the nation for further indebtedness, and bribes associated with them (ref. book by John Perkins," Confessions of an Economic Hit Man."). Grid-Tie Solar PV Systems are being used as attractive facdes for Sky Scrappers in New York City and other places. More poweful systems can be utilzed that use Heat of the Sunlight to operate a Sterling Engine- operated Generators and can produce from 1 kilo-Watt to 20 kilo-Watt of Energy.
For 24-hour usage, Storage Batteries can be used to store energy like we do in automobiles. Such battery backed systems are being used in rural areas and cities as sources of Alternate power needed in places like Polic Stations, Hospitals, and Disaster Relief situations, and many more. A company in America produces flexible(transparent) Plastic (Conducting Polymer) sheets which can be hung like attractive drapes in windows , to catch any amount of light and convert it to electricity. Such plastic shheets are combined with canvass material used infabricating tents (for military and disaster relief needs, eliminating the need for heavy and noisy generators, and bulky battery packs). Such plastic is now being incorporated in Ski Jackets, ladies hand-bags, men's brief cases to serve as emergency Cell-phone chargers and other tasks. SOLAR ENERGY IS THE ULTIMATE and VIABLE SOLUTION FOR PAKISTAN and the REST OF THE WORLD, (but not the FOSSIL FUELS, which won't last more than 200 hundred year, but the SUN will keep on shining till the LAST DAY.
You install the system today, and next day it starts converting LIGHT (any amount from any source, SUN or lamps-indoors, etc) into ELECTRICITY. This is the advantage of SOLAR PV Technology (as yiou don't have to wait for ten years). In Europe, people propel boats in the rivers and seaside with Solar Power. Recently (2010), a Solar PV Powered Plane in Swizerland, piloted by a HUMAN-being, set a record of 48 hours of flight in the air without any Petrol or Gasoline fuel.
Bashir A. Syed
Retired Aerospace Physicist
Member: Amer. Phys. Soc., IEEE, Union of Concerned Scientists, Amer. Solar Energy Soc., and Sr. Member International Solar Energy Society.
REFERENCES (Eye-Opening!)
(1) Map of World Oil Reserves, data provided by British Petroleum (BP) and posted on the Web at:
(2) PETROLISTAN: Oil & War. a 30 page PDF File posted on the web at www.environmentaldirectory.info ; Edited and Produced by Paul Robins , (as part of "The Houston Environmental Directory,") P.O. Box 1374, Austin, TX 78767 in 2007.
Friday, December 17, 2010
War radiation
Radiation Environment, Whole Body X-Ray Scanners & Cancers
Bashir A. Syed
There are two kinds of Natural Radiation Sources:
(1) Ionizing Radiation: Charged Particles, e.g. electrons, protons, and atoms that have lost
or gained, and naturally occurring radioactive substances (like Radium, Thorium, and Uranium,
etc. present in the earth. High energy Solar Protons, and galactic Cosmic Rays.
Non-ionizing Radiation: neutrons, and Electromagnetic Waves covering a broad spectrum
of wavelengths or frequencies, whose energy according to Quantum Theory is proportional to
frequency (f); “E=h x f” or inversely proportional wavelength “l”, (hc/l), where h is Plank’s constant and “c” is speed of light.
* It is estimated that we receive 87 % of radiation from Natural Sources in
following proportion:
1. Radon gas: 32 %
2. Gamma rays : 19%
3. Internal: 17%
4. Cosmic Rays: 14%
(2) The Second kind is Artificially created or man-made Radiation
Environment for Medical diagnostics, Airport Security screenings by TSA, and DU weapons,
etc.: examples artificially produced radio-isotopes, Medical X-rays, fallout from open air
nuclear tests conducted since 1945, radi0, TV, radar, and now cell-phones
* It is estimated that we receive ~ 13% of radiation from man-made or
artificial Sources as follows:
1. Medical diagnostic ~ 11.5 %
2. Fallout: ~ 0.5%
3. Miscellaneous ~ 0.5% - includes Cell phones, and Lasers
4. Nuclear discharge from Power Reactors ~0.1%
Classified Work done at Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) during the Manhattan Project, the
scientists wanted to learn the effects of radioactive materials inside human body, and all this
research was wrapped under the cover of secrecy labeled as “Classified.” During Clinton’s
administration, old classified documents dating back to mid forties, were declassified by Hazel
O’Leary, Secretary of Energy, which divulged very significant information regarding un-ethical radiation experiments conducted by “scientists without conscience” at LANL by injecting Uranium and Plutonium in the bodies of terminally ill patients, without their explicit consent. And they also knew that since the Density of Uranium was larger than that of Lead, such a material could be utilized to make explosive shells that could penetrate thick layers of sheet metal of which some of the armor, like tanks, were made from thick sheets of steel as “tank buster,” weapons. .
Unfortunately, the Defense department decided to use Depleted Uranium in the war theatre as “Tank Busters,” and to continue the collateral damage for millennia to come, as the half life
of DU is about 4.2 Billion years. Thus as a scientist with years of experience in Radiation safety
matters, I can say that in this case Genetics has very little to do in causing cancer.
Under international law, Uranium being a heavy element is considered extremely toxic, and its
deliberate use as a weapon is not only inhuman, but also considered as a crime against
Projectiles are made from Uranium –238 (akaU-238), radioactive waste, where the Radioactivity of U-238 is ~ 3.4 Mbq (mega-becquerel or nuclear disintegrations per second), and total emissions of alpha-particles from surface is 1,198/second, and for beta-particles it is 35,914 per second. When Depleted Uranium is mixed with radioactive waste it becomes a radiological weapon. Any skin contact with such projectiles containing radioactive waste produces necrosis and ulceration of the skin. Under Internal Laws, Uranium is classified as heavy-element resulting in high toxicity, and use of such toxic substances is not only inhuman, but also a crime against humanity.
Moreover, the debris of Uranium will remain radioactive for more than 12 Billion years, and any interaction with human beings it will pose a serious health hazards for billions of years to
innocent people (especially children who play in the dirt).
* Deformed Iraqi Babies caused by Radiation due to USA use of Depleted Uranium: Look at the horrible pictures: (1) Google search keywords: [Deformed Fetuses, Effected by Depleted Uranium, Pictures], and (2) Specific Website: http://www.aztlan.net/du_deformed_iraqi_babies.htm
It not only affected the IRAQIS, Bosnians, and Arabs, but LIFE Magazine in a 1990’s Issue on its Cover had a picture of a Gulf War Veteran with his Deformed Child, to let the world know what Horrible effects were caused by Radiation from Depleted Uranium Munitions.
* Isotopic contents of Depleted Uranium or DU: [(99.75 % U-238) + (0.25 % U-235) +
(0.006% U-234), where half lives of each isotope are: (4.5 Billion Years for U-238), (0.71
Billion Years for U-235) and (0.25 Million years for U-234).
U.S. used A-10 Warthog fighter planes firing 4,000 rounds of DU fortified 30-mm shells in the
Iraq-Saudi-Kuwait, 1990 - Gulf War theatre, and a total of 940,000 shells were fired making
the entire area contaminated with radioactive debris. Later NATO forces used similar DU
munitions, causing more contamination in Bosnia-Serbia theatre of war, leaving behind
radioactive debris all over the place in these two regions, where the DU contaminated soil will
continue killing the people through cancer and brain tumors for millennia to come. God only
knows how much more DU contamination was deliberately produced during operation “IRAQI-
Freedom,” in 2003, and in Afghanistan/Pakistan region as part of continuing “War on Terror.”
Summary of the Impact of DU weapons on the health as Cancer/Tumor producer, after the Gulf
War and in Bosnian Conflict:
The observations revealed that the incidence of Cancer had increased manifold when after
busting the tanks was scattered as debris over 845,000 tons of edible wild plants (consumed by
humans as well as cattle (e.g. cows, and sheep, etc) contaminating with DU dust or discarded as junk, entering the food chain would enter human bodies and ultimately lead to causing
cancers/rumors of various kinds (from the ionizing radiation emitted by Uranium).
The frequency of incidence and distribution of different types of cancers from observed
data obtained between 1984 and 1990, and between 1997 and & 1998, comparison for
Cancer cases (among male & female population) showed a 5-fold in (prevalent --> lung,
leukemia, breast, skin lymphoma and liver), and solid tumors were more frequent (see
references). In the region of Al-Muthana and Thee Qar, where Republican Guards were
concentrated, these areas were bombed using explosives containing DU, causing extensive
contamination with radio-active Uranium.
Following is a list of Cancers prevalent in the population and War Veterans of Gulf War where
Depleted Uranium or DU weapons were used extensively, and later by NATO forces in Bosnian conflict.
Types of Cancers Detected (and reported in the literature):
Bones; Brain, Breast, Colon, Gastro-intestinal, Leukemia, Liver, Lymphoma, Lyranx, Myeloma, Nephroma, Ovaries, Pancreas, Peri-anal Tumors, Salivary Glands, Testicular, and Uterus.
Before the Gulf War, the only cancers observed in the decreasing order of frequency were:
Lung, Lymphoma, Larynx, Leukemia and Breast.
But the observations on people during 1997-98 disclosed changes as follows (where X means
“times”): Lung (5X); Lymphoma (4X); Breast (6X); Larynx (4X); Skin (11X).
And among less prevalent diseases, the increase is even sharper: Uterus (~ 10X); Colon (~6X);
hyper-nephroma (~7X); malignant-myeloma (~16X); Liver (~11X); Ovaries (~16X); and peri-
anal tumors (~20X).
Effect on Iraq War Veterans (sample of 1425, exposed during 1991-97), and age ( ranging
between 19 years to 50 years), the overall increase cancer was as follows:
Lymphoma (~ 30%); Leukemia ( ~ 23%); Lung (~15%); Brain (~ 11% ); Gastro-intestinal &
Bone (each ~ 4%); Pancreatic ( ~3%); and Liver & Salivary glands (~ each ~ 2%).
War Veterans not directly exposed: Lung (~25%); gastro-intestinal ~20%); Leukemia (~15%);
Liver (~10%)’ Bone (~9%); and Brain )~7%).
After-effects to Children born to War Veterans: Percent of Still Births (~ 1.9%); Congenital
anomalies (~ 5.2%); and secondary infertility (~5.7%).
NATO Forces used DU weapons during 1995 Bosnian conflict/ having similar results.
The worst part is that because of long half-life of Depleted Uranium (~ 4.2 Billion years) this
silent killer will go on killing many innocent people without ever knowing for billions of years to come (5 times the half-life), no match with the propaganda about possibility of damage caused by a hypothetical dirty bomb drum-beat over the media and Frankenstein movies produced by Hollywood, and in one such movie Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) participated as an actress to enhance the fear of people might have the guns but do not possess an Air Force (as defined by William Blum, Ref. #6). .
Deformed Iraqi Babies caused by USA use of Depleted Uranium during the Gulf War: Look at the horrible pictures: (1) Google search keywords: [Deformed Fetuses, Effected by Depleted Uranium, Pictures], and (2) Specific Website: http://www.aztlan.net/du_deformed_iraqi_babies.htm
It not only affected the IRAQIS, Bosnians, and Arabs, but LIFE Magazine in a 1990’s Issue on its Cover had a picture of a Gulf War Veteran with his Deformed Child, to let the world know what Horrible effects were caused by Radiation from Depleted Uranium Munitions
1. Frank Close, Michael Martin, and Christine Sutton, ”The Particle Explosion,” Oxford
University Press, New York, 1987 and 1994. ISBN 0-19-853999-2 (pbk).
2. Eileen Welsome, “Plutonium Files,” Dial Press, Random House, New York 1999. Note: After declassification of documents pertaining to Los Alamos National Labs by Hazel O’
Leary, Secretary U.S. Dept. of Energy (1993-97), during Clinton Administration, the
author sifted through these documents and found some astonishing things (described on
pages 253-263) about inhalation hazards of radioactive dust caused by detonation of
nuclear devices, which were not disclosed to the military personnel. Another surprise was
about the scientists who experimented on terminal patients by injecting Plutonium and
Uranium in their bodies with their explicit permission and knowledge about the hazards
of radio-activity from these elements.
Learn more from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States about unethical Radiation experiments (never talked about) radiation experiments and much more conducted by U.S. Scientists under Government Contracts, which will blow your mind. The same or worse has been repeated by Israeli scientists, including recently revealed sale of human organs obtained from dead or killed Palestinians by Jewish Rabbis, arrested in New Jersey in 2010.
3. Ramsey Clark (former U.S. Attorney General) et al. “Depleted Uranium – METAL of
DISHONOR: How the Pentagon RADIATES Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons,”
2nd Edition, International Action Center, New York 1999. ISBN 0-9656916-0-8.
Special Section – Second Edition:
(I) Baghdad – International Scientific Symposium in December, 2-3, 1998– S1: Reported by Ashraf El_Bayoumi
(II) DU Used in Bosnia by NATO in 1995 – S7: Report from the Experts Group, by Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Ristie.
(III) Medical Consequences of Internal Contamination with DU , by Dr. Asaf
Durakovic, MD, DVM, MSc, PhD, and FACP.
4. G. C. Messenger and M.S. Ash, “The Effects of Radiation on Electronic Systems,” Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 1986. ISBN 0-442-25417-2.
5. Ronald Kitchen, “RF and Microwave Radiation Safety, 2nd Edition, Newnes, Oxford UK. 1993, 95, 2000, and 2001. ISBN 0-7506-43552.
6. “Electric and Magnetic Fields from 60 Hertz Electric Power: What do we know about possible health risks,” Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon
University, PA 15213, 3rd Printing, 1989.
7. Major General Bengt Anderberg and Dr. Myron L. Wolbarsht,” LASER WEAPONS:
The Dawn of a New Military Age,” [Chapter II – Military Applications, pages 43-63]
Plenum Press, New York & London 1992. ISBN 0-306-44329-5. Lasers have been used to blind pilots, and Laser Designators as a Military tool for precision guidance of munitions or guiding a plane to land at designated location.
8. Ernest Sternglass, “SECRET FALLOUT – Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three-Mile Island,” [Introduction by George Wald, Noble Laureate in Physiology and Medicine], McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York 1972 & 1981 (pbk). ISBN 0-07-061242-0.
[This is a very important and revealing book showing various cover-ups of Radiation fallout accidents that produced cancers cluster’s erroneous dose calculation based on wrong assumptions, as discussed in Chapter 3. Related to May and June fallouts in Albany-Trot area during 1952, and St. George Utah area on May 19, 1953. To add insult to injury, The New York State Health Department never kept updated records of children suffering from Leukemia, but the records were manipulated. Same thing happened to the studies of Strontium 90, in the milk which also caused genetic defects leading to childhood cancer. But the “classified” measurements made by the AEC’s New York Lab had shown that the entire upstate New York area received heavy fallout on April 26, 1953.
Wikipedia article on Backscatter_X-rays http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backscatter_X-ray under a paragraph titled “Technical Countermeasures (against Whole Body scanners),” has suggestions for those who want to prevent either the loss of privacy or possibility of health problems or genetic damage that might be associated with being subjected to a back scatter X-Ray scan. One company sells “X-ray absorbing underwear” which is said to have X-ray absorption equivalent to 0.5 mm of lead. Another product, Flying Pasties “are designed to obscure the most private parts of the human body when entering full-body airport scanners,” but their description does not seem to claim any protection from the X-ray beam penetrating the body of the person being scanned. (another absurd scam like all items confiscated from airlines passengers are sold in a store in Atlanta, GA, by the TSA). Millimeter wave scanners can cause serious burns on the skin, as shown on CBS-News 60-Minute Program causing excruciating pain, if exposure exceeds the designated time.
Similar lies are posted on the official TSA website in the paragraph titled Passenger Acceptance (www.tsa.gov/approach/tech/ait/index.shtm> claiming that over 99 % of passengers choose to be screened by this technology, is another blatant lie. And it also quotes a new CBS poll which says, “4 out of 5 Americans support” the use of this technology (reducing 99% figure to 80% in the same paragraph).
9. Daniel Ford, “MELT DOWN: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission-Three-Mile Island , Chernobyl, . . . Where Next?” Touchstone Books, Simon and Schuster, New York 1982, 84 & 86. ISBN 0-671-63449-6 (Pbk).
10. John J. Berger, “NUCLEAR POWER: The Unviable Option,” [Foreword by Senator Mike Gravel, and introduction by Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Noble Prize Winner (Chemistry & Peace), Dell Publishing Co., New York 1977. ISBN 0-440-355994-5. (pbk).
11. Andrew and Leslie Cockburn,” DANGEROUS LIAISON: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship,” Harper Collins Publishers, New York 1990. ISBN 0-06-016444-1.
{ This book describes how two serious nuclear blackmails occurred in U.S. (1) at Kerr-Mcgee’s Cimarron Plutonium Plant in Oklahoma City during 70’s and led to un-wanten death of a Nuclear Technician, Karen Silkwood, who was on her way to hand over a folder containing information about sixty pounds of missing Plutonium ( known as Material Un-accounted For or MUF, which was sent o Israel) to a New York Times Reporter waiting for her at a Motel across town on Nov. 13, 1974, and (2) How Dr. Mordechai Zalman Shapiro, CEO of NUMEC Corporation, shipped an estimated 572 lbs of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) of MUF to Israel from an Apollo, PA Uranium plant. After a lengthy inquiry by AEC and FBI, he was fined $989,000, and the whole case was quashed. The third case was the hijacking of a cargo ship during 1968 in Mediterranean, containing several-thousand tons of Uranium ore, that was transferred to an Israeli vessel and taken to Haifa, Israel. No one in U.S. ever mentioned about it except its mention in the next reference # 12 mentioned below.
12. Ian Black & Benny Morris, “ISRAEL’S SECRET WARS: A History of Israel’s Secret Services,” Grove Weidenfeld, New York 1990. ISBN 0-8021-3286-3.
[The most important incident in Zionist History was known a as Lavon Affair in July 1954, when Zionist Terrorists infiltrated Alexandria and Cairo Egypt and planted bombs at American institutions to conduct Terror against U.S. interests in Egypt, in order to blame them on Arabs, but were discovered and the perpetrators were brought to justice
13. Richard Deacon, THE ISRAELI SECRET SERVICE,” Taplinger Publishing Co., New York 1980. ISBN 0-8008-4267-7 (pbk) [Chapter 9: pages 118-131, “Yuval Ne’eman’s Technological Revolution,” provides a glimpse of how Israel used technology on captured Arab soldiers during the 6-Day War, and thousands of prisoners in Eshkelon Jail, and other detention centers, where humans have been used as guinea-pigs to test radiation and torture technology, and medical experiments. Recent revelation through arrested Jewish Rabbis in New Jersey, unearthed a world-wide body parts sale business scam related to organs of Palestinians men, women and children, sold for transplants.
14. Nixon, Israel and the Bomb – an article by Avner Cohen & William Burr, “ISRAEL CROSSES THE THRESHOLD: When President Richard Nixon took office he was confronted with evidence that Israel would soon have the Bomb Newly “declassified”
documents divulge what happened next.”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, pages 22-30,
May/June 2006. (Photographic evidence collected during Eisenhower administration
through U-2 Spy Plane flights over Negev Desert, and confirmed by an Israeli nuclear
technician, Mordechai Vanunu, who delivered a roll of film containing photographs taken
inside the Dimona bomb factory, which were published after verification by Sunday
Times on October 5, 1986). The authors disclose the dirty role played by Henry
Kissinger before Golda Meir’s visit to Washington, DC on September 9, 1969. Kissinger
produced a top secret agreement known as National Security Study Memorandum
(“NSSM 40”) aka “Don’t Ask, Don/t Test Treaty with Israel, which gave the Green Light
to Israel to go on building more nukes (estimated as more than 300 in the arsenal) while
U.S. will look the other way as long as these weapons are not tested. Nut lo and behold,
Israelis tested their first device with the help of South Africa’s Apartheid Government, in
South Atlantic whose light flashes were recorded by a VELA Satellite over the South
Atlantic on September 22, 1979. The Executive Office of the President, Office of Science
and Technology Policy after learning this detection appointed an Ad Hoc Panel, which
produced its Report on July 15, 1980. It was a white-wash to declare that it was false
alarm caused by faulty instruments aboard the VELA satellites meant to detect any nuclear
tests around the globe, and that was the end of the story placed in the cold storage. See
reference below.
July 7, 1981 Iraq’s Osirak Nuclear Reactor under construction by the French, was bombed and blown out on July 7, 1981, by Israelis killing the French engineers. I had watched a 16-mm film during February, 1981 at General Electric Co, showing how the newly developed Infra-Red Technology could be used for this purpose. The Israeli F-16 fighters for long duration flights, were outfitted with special large size fuel tanks by Grumman, another U.S. Defense contractor.
15. Mark Gaffney, “DIMONA THE THIRD TEMPLE? The Story Behind the Vanunu
Revelation,” Amana Books, Brattleboro, VT 1989. ISBN 0-915597-77-2. (pbk).
[This book discloses the first Israeli Nuclear Test in South Atlantic with the help of South Africa which was detected by instruments placed in the VELA satellite. But a Presidential Ad-Hoc Committee a year later in their report washed it away by declaring a false alarm due to faulty instruments in that satellite, and nothing was ever mentioned later. Mark Griffin provided all details in this book].
16. William Blum, “ROGUE STATE: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower,”
3rd Edition, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine 2005. ISBN 1-56751-374-3.
[This is a book that everyone ought to read to learn about the hypo-critic standards used by U.S. and test of CB-Weapons not only at home on their own citizens but also to destroy crops and vegetation in other countries using CB warfare (to destroy crops), even reported by Scientific American magazine by Prof Malcolm Dando, of Bradford University, in UK.
[A must read book – Part II- United States’ Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, pages 121 –
160, reveals things never heard before.]
17. Danny Schechter, “WHEN NEWS LIES – Media Complicity and the Iraq War,” [Including a DVD – “Weapons of Mass Deception” or WMD], Select Books, Inc., New York 2006.
ISBN 1-56584-740-7. (pbk). [This is a bombshell for MEDIA).
18. Dr. Helen Caldicott, “NEW NUCLEAR DANGER: George H.W. Bush’s Military-Industrial Complex,” The New Press, New York 2002. ISBN 1-56584-740-7. (pbk)..
19. “Grace Halsell, “ Prophecy And Politics: The Secret Alliance Between Israel and the U.S. Christian Right,” Lawrence-Hill Books, Chicago, IL 1986. ISBN 1-55652-054-9. [Late Grace Halsell, who served as speech writer for President Lyndon B. Johnson, revealed in this book how the Zionists collaborated with the Evangelists to legitimize the occupation of Palestine by brainwashing through their sermons that God gave this land to Israelis as mentioned in the Bible, and used late Jerry Falwell to give him a private plane to propagate hatred against Islam. (as seen on CBS 60-Minutes Program, which was his last TV appearance before his death.)
20. The National Insecurity Council, ”IT’S A CONSPIRACY: The Shocking Truth About America’s Favorite Theories!” Earth Works Press, Berkeley, California 1992. ISBN 1-879682-10-9. [ pages 115 & 116, “Little Nayirah’s Tale – Disinforming the World by George H. W. Bush for waging the war against Iraq – “Operation Desert Storm” for OIL]
21. 103d Congress, 2d Session, SENATE Report: “U.S. CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE-RELATED DUAL USE EXPORTS TO IRAQ AND THEIR POSSIBLE IMPACT ON THE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF THE PERSIAN GULF WAR,” A Report of Chairman Donald W. Reigle, Jr. and Ranking Member Alfonse M. D’Amato of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, with respect to Export Administration, United States Senate, May 25, 1994. This 198 page report reveals the Names of CB Agents, Dates of Shipments to Iraqi Laboratories as Destinations, Legitimately Exported to Iraq, from February 25,1985 to November 28, 1989. These facts were totally distorted not only by the Bush administration but blown out of proportion “as Weapons of Mass Destruction or WMD’s,” to brain-wash people around the globe about a horrible Monster Saddam Hussein living like a Jolly Green Giant, on a Green Bean-Stalk known as IRAQ. NOTHING BUT LIES!
22 Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Explosive Detection Technology, November 13-15, 1991. Document No. DOT/FAA/CT-92/11, FAA Technical center, Atlantic City International airport, New Jersey 08405. Edited by Dr. Siraj M. Khan.U.S. Dept. of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration.
This was a very important pre-planned Symposium, long time prior to WTC events on September 9, 2001, in which more than 100 technical papers were presented by scientists employed by Defense Contractors (to enhance their business opportunities exploiting the Fear tactics . A total of fifteen foreign governments including France, Germany, Israel, UK, and a large number of U.S. government agencies such as FBI, DoD, and Doe were represented.
Here is the brief summary based on different categories, describing Number of papers, and Companies/Labs involved:
1. General: 8.
2. Nuclear Technology:11. SAIC, Westinghouse, Harwell Instruments, ORNL, BDM, Spec. tech. Labs, and UC-SB
3. Accelerators: 3. Grumman Space Systems, LBNL, Triumph-Can.
4. X-Rays & Gamma-Rays: 9. MIT, Notingham Polytechnic, TITAN Spectron, LLNL, Amer. Sc Tech Engg., Fort Washington, Microwave Associates, SAIC, Vivid Tech., Immatron Federal Systems, and IRT Corp.(which won the final contract).
5. Hybrid – X-rays + Nuclear + Others: 4. SAIC, Thermedics, Arthur D. Little, US-DoT, and NRL.
6. Testing & Field Experience: 9. Gamma Metrics, Thermedics, Spatial Dynamics, Quantum Magnetics, Sach Freeman Associates, and UK Police Sc. & Devel.
7. Electromagnetic Technology: General: 7. SW Research Inst., SRI In. Univ., US Army Lab. Ford Motors, NJ
8. Vapor Detection Technology – General: 10. Theemedics, FAA, SNL, Amerasia Technology, and Ion-tracking Instruments
9. Mass/Ion Mobility Spectrometery: 9. BY Univ., ScienTech Inc., , ORNL, Science & BA Security Systems, and Barringer Industries.
10. Gas Chromatography: 2. Texas A&M, FBI Acad, Thermedics, Scientron Ltd., and FAA
11. Tagging: 5. US Army Lab., Piscataway Arsenal,
12. Bio-Sensors: 6. Diametrix Corp. Western Connecticut State Univ., Neuro-Communication Research Lab (NCRL) , NRL & GeoCenters, Inc., and Def. Res. Agency.
13. Signal Processing & Simulation: 7. SAIC, UC Berkeley
14. System Integration: 5. Robotics Lab CM Univ., SAIC< Phil., VA, and VPI
15. Fast Neutron Technology Spectroscopy: SAIC, FAA, SNL, NCA&T
Number 27 Paper: Detection of Objects Concealed Under Person’s Clothing Using the Sub-ambient Exposure, Computer Utilized Reflected Energy or“SECURE” 1000 System,” by Steve W. Smith, PhD, IRT Corporation. [These systems were finally selected by Dept. of Homeland Security for Transport Security Agency (TSA) which are being installed at many airports listed at www.bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/home/2010/06/airports-with-body-scanners.html . Google search for key words [Deepak Chopra, CEO- OSI Systems, Whole Body X-ray Scanners] reveals an interesting network of bedfellows. Deepak Chopra (American of Indian origin), CEO of Rapiscan Systems manufactures SECURE 1000 Whole Body X-ray scanners, and Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security, now a lobbyist for this company helped this company to expand under Obama’s Economic Stimulus program, to expand installation of these systems as far they could, but in reality India will benefit as the systems will be manufactured in India to exploit cheap labor. To further assist in this effort Deepak Chopra accompanied Obama during his recent trip to India. Recently the media revealed that Michael Chertoff has own vested interest in this technology.
CAUTION: TSA information regarding Exposure Dose is totally misleading, as it assumes “only one pass” for a person, disregarding the frequent fliers who have to undergo such scans at every transient air-port or while connecting flights. The Government is in collusion with the manufacturers of the equipment, and is deceiving the tax-payers like it did many years ago regarding the Hazardous Effects of Tobacco.
REALITY: A person is exposed to radiation (ionizing as well as non-ionizing) all the time from the time of birth till death. The Dose depends on his/her location on earth, latitude, and height above the surface of earth (while flying in an aircraft). Thus no two persons receive the same dose in their lifetimes, which brings us to the concept of Threshold Dose, above which DNA is damaged or onset of Cancer might be triggered. Thus the so-called “ Estimated Safe Dose,” is a concoction of a lot of assumptions and “Statistical Risk Analysis.”
And one ought to know what a former Prime Minister of Britain said about Statistics: ” Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics,” as statistics can be manipulated to get the desired results.
Radiation Hazards while Travelling by Air: A person, receives more radiation dose that depends on two factors: (1) Flight Altitude, (2) Time Duration of Flight. The other thing one has to remember is that Radiation effects are “CUMULATIVE.”
Because of advances in Space Radiation Research, Radiation Experts became alarmed when Aircraft Crew Members (Pilots and Stewards/Stewardesses) started having health problems, and were found to have Tumors, and increased instance of Leukemia. Having served on the Radiation Safety Committee for NASA at JSC, the author learnt that three Astronauts died of Leukemia, and fourth (at young age) with Brain Cancer (Tumor). Learning these problems, FAA put out a directive for the Air Crews to cut down their flying hours, lest it might lead to frivolous litigation problems amongst the aircraft- crew-members. About 12 years ago, the author learnt in one of the IEEE (Nuclear & Space Radiation Conference Short Course a startling observation. Previously, Computer Models had been used to scan the radiation levels in the aircrafts and space shuttle (and International Space Station) which only provided rough estimates. But when radiation detectors, specially neutron detectors were placed inside these space vehicle, it really alarmed the community. The scientists found that the amount of neutrons/unit area (a secondary nuclear effect when high energy solar/cosmic ray protons hit air molecules or the metallic body of the spacecraft/aircraft) or neutron flux) increased with flight attitude, exponentially reaching a peak at about 60,000 feet.(by the way, neutrons can cause more damage (it is displacement damage) as though a person is sitting close to a nuclear reactor)The normal flight altitude is about 30,000 to 35,000 feet, and for Concord Aircraft it was about 50,000 feet (and at that altitude the neutron flux was almost at the peak). During recent times the cost of Aircraft fuel has increased, many aircrafts have begun to fly between 40,000 and 45,000 feet altitude (to reduce air friction), but at a cost of more radiation exposure to people inside the aircraft. Another hazard posed is when aircraft taking off from Dubai trying to avoid bad weather in Europe change their course towards Iceland, and encounter more radiation due to the shape of earth’s magnet field that traps charged particles (electrons and protons) (part of the Van Allen Radiation Belts (Doughnut shaped zone around the globe following the shape of geomagnetic lines of force). As the planes get closer to North Pole, the amount of radiation inside the aircraft increases many fold.
The moral of the story is that Government organizations like TSA, are in cahoots with the Corporations manufacturing and selling these scanners by scaring people that they are making them safe, but on the contrary, they are playing a Russian Roulette with their Health due to increased doses of radiation during flights, and adding more radiation dose by means of these Body Scanners, calling them Absolutely Safe like the Cigarette Industry a few years ago. Radiation Effects on the body are not reversible, and since there is no fixed Threshold for different people, the information provided by the government agencies is totally DECEPTIVE. Safety for people is also Deceptive, and it cannot be achieved till proper JUSTICE is Meted or INJUSTICE is removed. In my opinion, the folks driving automobiles with really dark tinted glasses and without 2nd license plate (either in Front or rear) pose the greatest security risk than folks being scanned by Whole Body X-ray scanners.
My personal Experience: (1) Personally, I have been dealing with ”radiation” for more than twenty years, but in 1981, due to a freak accident I inhaled Beryllium particles in a machine shop, which hospitalized me to undergo lung surgery and biopsy. The Surgeon did not find any serious problem at that time and advised me to undergo Chest X-Rays every three months to check the progress. After 3rd X-Ray, my Radiologist advised me to stop Chest X-Rays, stating that the Beryllium did not seem to kill me but more X-Rays would.
(2) In 2002, I had gone to a local hospital in Clearlake City in Houston, TX for a chest X-ray. I asked the X-ray Technician about the Radiation Dose, I will be receiving for my professional safeguards. He asked me why? My response was because I have been working with Radiation related projects for about twenty years. He went to the Radiologist in the adjoining room to ask him about this question, and the radiologist asked “where does he work?” The technician said, “at NASA” The radiologist told him to give me the voltage applied to the X-Ray tube, and let me calculate the Dose. What a response! The Hospitals and Dentists neither provide such information to the patients, and dentists seldom protect the eyes of the patients while taking dental X-ray pictures.
The Moral of the Story is that Radiation, is a silent killer, for which no one knows the safe limit, and anyone who claims it safe, ought to change his profession to become a Snake Oil Salesman. Department of Home Land Security (TSA), is setting up another WEAPONS empire (through corporations such as IRT Technology or Rapiscan systems by scaring the public, which as we know started in 1991 officially), like the Military-Industrial Complex created by Department of Defense.
Thus we MUST keep up the pressure on our Government Representatives to Stop Fooling the PUBLIC by Deceptive methods to ruin their Health.
NOTE: The first victims of these Whole Body and Personal Luggage X-ray Scanner will be the Operators of such equipment, who stand close to the equipment and receive “scattered- radiation,” and where Exposure Dose is CUMULATIVE and depends on Total exposure time (days and moths). The effect of Radiation does not diminish during the time they are not operating the machines. Thus the folks bluffing the PUBLIC are wrong in DECEIVING them by concocted LIES, which have no scientific basis, and their Public Acceptance survey results of 99% as mentioned on TSA’s website are ABSOLUTELY Deceptive and WRONG.
The Surgeon General of United States, Dr. Regina Benjamin, on News-Hour, PBS, Thursday, December 9, 2010 revealed that recent scientific studies have proven without a doubt that even the non-smokers inhaling air contaminated with Cigarette Smoke are found to suffer serious health effects.
Bashir A. Syed
Retired Aerospace Physicist
Bashir A. Syed
There are two kinds of Natural Radiation Sources:
(1) Ionizing Radiation: Charged Particles, e.g. electrons, protons, and atoms that have lost
or gained, and naturally occurring radioactive substances (like Radium, Thorium, and Uranium,
etc. present in the earth. High energy Solar Protons, and galactic Cosmic Rays.
Non-ionizing Radiation: neutrons, and Electromagnetic Waves covering a broad spectrum
of wavelengths or frequencies, whose energy according to Quantum Theory is proportional to
frequency (f); “E=h x f” or inversely proportional wavelength “l”, (hc/l), where h is Plank’s constant and “c” is speed of light.
* It is estimated that we receive 87 % of radiation from Natural Sources in
following proportion:
1. Radon gas: 32 %
2. Gamma rays : 19%
3. Internal: 17%
4. Cosmic Rays: 14%
(2) The Second kind is Artificially created or man-made Radiation
Environment for Medical diagnostics, Airport Security screenings by TSA, and DU weapons,
etc.: examples artificially produced radio-isotopes, Medical X-rays, fallout from open air
nuclear tests conducted since 1945, radi0, TV, radar, and now cell-phones
* It is estimated that we receive ~ 13% of radiation from man-made or
artificial Sources as follows:
1. Medical diagnostic ~ 11.5 %
2. Fallout: ~ 0.5%
3. Miscellaneous ~ 0.5% - includes Cell phones, and Lasers
4. Nuclear discharge from Power Reactors ~0.1%
Classified Work done at Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) during the Manhattan Project, the
scientists wanted to learn the effects of radioactive materials inside human body, and all this
research was wrapped under the cover of secrecy labeled as “Classified.” During Clinton’s
administration, old classified documents dating back to mid forties, were declassified by Hazel
O’Leary, Secretary of Energy, which divulged very significant information regarding un-ethical radiation experiments conducted by “scientists without conscience” at LANL by injecting Uranium and Plutonium in the bodies of terminally ill patients, without their explicit consent. And they also knew that since the Density of Uranium was larger than that of Lead, such a material could be utilized to make explosive shells that could penetrate thick layers of sheet metal of which some of the armor, like tanks, were made from thick sheets of steel as “tank buster,” weapons. .
Unfortunately, the Defense department decided to use Depleted Uranium in the war theatre as “Tank Busters,” and to continue the collateral damage for millennia to come, as the half life
of DU is about 4.2 Billion years. Thus as a scientist with years of experience in Radiation safety
matters, I can say that in this case Genetics has very little to do in causing cancer.
Under international law, Uranium being a heavy element is considered extremely toxic, and its
deliberate use as a weapon is not only inhuman, but also considered as a crime against
Projectiles are made from Uranium –238 (akaU-238), radioactive waste, where the Radioactivity of U-238 is ~ 3.4 Mbq (mega-becquerel or nuclear disintegrations per second), and total emissions of alpha-particles from surface is 1,198/second, and for beta-particles it is 35,914 per second. When Depleted Uranium is mixed with radioactive waste it becomes a radiological weapon. Any skin contact with such projectiles containing radioactive waste produces necrosis and ulceration of the skin. Under Internal Laws, Uranium is classified as heavy-element resulting in high toxicity, and use of such toxic substances is not only inhuman, but also a crime against humanity.
Moreover, the debris of Uranium will remain radioactive for more than 12 Billion years, and any interaction with human beings it will pose a serious health hazards for billions of years to
innocent people (especially children who play in the dirt).
* Deformed Iraqi Babies caused by Radiation due to USA use of Depleted Uranium: Look at the horrible pictures: (1) Google search keywords: [Deformed Fetuses, Effected by Depleted Uranium, Pictures], and (2) Specific Website: http://www.aztlan.net/du_deformed_iraqi_babies.htm
It not only affected the IRAQIS, Bosnians, and Arabs, but LIFE Magazine in a 1990’s Issue on its Cover had a picture of a Gulf War Veteran with his Deformed Child, to let the world know what Horrible effects were caused by Radiation from Depleted Uranium Munitions.
* Isotopic contents of Depleted Uranium or DU: [(99.75 % U-238) + (0.25 % U-235) +
(0.006% U-234), where half lives of each isotope are: (4.5 Billion Years for U-238), (0.71
Billion Years for U-235) and (0.25 Million years for U-234).
U.S. used A-10 Warthog fighter planes firing 4,000 rounds of DU fortified 30-mm shells in the
Iraq-Saudi-Kuwait, 1990 - Gulf War theatre, and a total of 940,000 shells were fired making
the entire area contaminated with radioactive debris. Later NATO forces used similar DU
munitions, causing more contamination in Bosnia-Serbia theatre of war, leaving behind
radioactive debris all over the place in these two regions, where the DU contaminated soil will
continue killing the people through cancer and brain tumors for millennia to come. God only
knows how much more DU contamination was deliberately produced during operation “IRAQI-
Freedom,” in 2003, and in Afghanistan/Pakistan region as part of continuing “War on Terror.”
Summary of the Impact of DU weapons on the health as Cancer/Tumor producer, after the Gulf
War and in Bosnian Conflict:
The observations revealed that the incidence of Cancer had increased manifold when after
busting the tanks was scattered as debris over 845,000 tons of edible wild plants (consumed by
humans as well as cattle (e.g. cows, and sheep, etc) contaminating with DU dust or discarded as junk, entering the food chain would enter human bodies and ultimately lead to causing
cancers/rumors of various kinds (from the ionizing radiation emitted by Uranium).
The frequency of incidence and distribution of different types of cancers from observed
data obtained between 1984 and 1990, and between 1997 and & 1998, comparison for
Cancer cases (among male & female population) showed a 5-fold in (prevalent --> lung,
leukemia, breast, skin lymphoma and liver), and solid tumors were more frequent (see
references). In the region of Al-Muthana and Thee Qar, where Republican Guards were
concentrated, these areas were bombed using explosives containing DU, causing extensive
contamination with radio-active Uranium.
Following is a list of Cancers prevalent in the population and War Veterans of Gulf War where
Depleted Uranium or DU weapons were used extensively, and later by NATO forces in Bosnian conflict.
Types of Cancers Detected (and reported in the literature):
Bones; Brain, Breast, Colon, Gastro-intestinal, Leukemia, Liver, Lymphoma, Lyranx, Myeloma, Nephroma, Ovaries, Pancreas, Peri-anal Tumors, Salivary Glands, Testicular, and Uterus.
Before the Gulf War, the only cancers observed in the decreasing order of frequency were:
Lung, Lymphoma, Larynx, Leukemia and Breast.
But the observations on people during 1997-98 disclosed changes as follows (where X means
“times”): Lung (5X); Lymphoma (4X); Breast (6X); Larynx (4X); Skin (11X).
And among less prevalent diseases, the increase is even sharper: Uterus (~ 10X); Colon (~6X);
hyper-nephroma (~7X); malignant-myeloma (~16X); Liver (~11X); Ovaries (~16X); and peri-
anal tumors (~20X).
Effect on Iraq War Veterans (sample of 1425, exposed during 1991-97), and age ( ranging
between 19 years to 50 years), the overall increase cancer was as follows:
Lymphoma (~ 30%); Leukemia ( ~ 23%); Lung (~15%); Brain (~ 11% ); Gastro-intestinal &
Bone (each ~ 4%); Pancreatic ( ~3%); and Liver & Salivary glands (~ each ~ 2%).
War Veterans not directly exposed: Lung (~25%); gastro-intestinal ~20%); Leukemia (~15%);
Liver (~10%)’ Bone (~9%); and Brain )~7%).
After-effects to Children born to War Veterans: Percent of Still Births (~ 1.9%); Congenital
anomalies (~ 5.2%); and secondary infertility (~5.7%).
NATO Forces used DU weapons during 1995 Bosnian conflict/ having similar results.
The worst part is that because of long half-life of Depleted Uranium (~ 4.2 Billion years) this
silent killer will go on killing many innocent people without ever knowing for billions of years to come (5 times the half-life), no match with the propaganda about possibility of damage caused by a hypothetical dirty bomb drum-beat over the media and Frankenstein movies produced by Hollywood, and in one such movie Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) participated as an actress to enhance the fear of people might have the guns but do not possess an Air Force (as defined by William Blum, Ref. #6). .
Deformed Iraqi Babies caused by USA use of Depleted Uranium during the Gulf War: Look at the horrible pictures: (1) Google search keywords: [Deformed Fetuses, Effected by Depleted Uranium, Pictures], and (2) Specific Website: http://www.aztlan.net/du_deformed_iraqi_babies.htm
It not only affected the IRAQIS, Bosnians, and Arabs, but LIFE Magazine in a 1990’s Issue on its Cover had a picture of a Gulf War Veteran with his Deformed Child, to let the world know what Horrible effects were caused by Radiation from Depleted Uranium Munitions
1. Frank Close, Michael Martin, and Christine Sutton, ”The Particle Explosion,” Oxford
University Press, New York, 1987 and 1994. ISBN 0-19-853999-2 (pbk).
2. Eileen Welsome, “Plutonium Files,” Dial Press, Random House, New York 1999. Note: After declassification of documents pertaining to Los Alamos National Labs by Hazel O’
Leary, Secretary U.S. Dept. of Energy (1993-97), during Clinton Administration, the
author sifted through these documents and found some astonishing things (described on
pages 253-263) about inhalation hazards of radioactive dust caused by detonation of
nuclear devices, which were not disclosed to the military personnel. Another surprise was
about the scientists who experimented on terminal patients by injecting Plutonium and
Uranium in their bodies with their explicit permission and knowledge about the hazards
of radio-activity from these elements.
Learn more from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States about unethical Radiation experiments (never talked about) radiation experiments and much more conducted by U.S. Scientists under Government Contracts, which will blow your mind. The same or worse has been repeated by Israeli scientists, including recently revealed sale of human organs obtained from dead or killed Palestinians by Jewish Rabbis, arrested in New Jersey in 2010.
3. Ramsey Clark (former U.S. Attorney General) et al. “Depleted Uranium – METAL of
DISHONOR: How the Pentagon RADIATES Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons,”
2nd Edition, International Action Center, New York 1999. ISBN 0-9656916-0-8.
Special Section – Second Edition:
(I) Baghdad – International Scientific Symposium in December, 2-3, 1998– S1: Reported by Ashraf El_Bayoumi
(II) DU Used in Bosnia by NATO in 1995 – S7: Report from the Experts Group, by Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Ristie.
(III) Medical Consequences of Internal Contamination with DU , by Dr. Asaf
Durakovic, MD, DVM, MSc, PhD, and FACP.
4. G. C. Messenger and M.S. Ash, “The Effects of Radiation on Electronic Systems,” Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 1986. ISBN 0-442-25417-2.
5. Ronald Kitchen, “RF and Microwave Radiation Safety, 2nd Edition, Newnes, Oxford UK. 1993, 95, 2000, and 2001. ISBN 0-7506-43552.
6. “Electric and Magnetic Fields from 60 Hertz Electric Power: What do we know about possible health risks,” Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon
University, PA 15213, 3rd Printing, 1989.
7. Major General Bengt Anderberg and Dr. Myron L. Wolbarsht,” LASER WEAPONS:
The Dawn of a New Military Age,” [Chapter II – Military Applications, pages 43-63]
Plenum Press, New York & London 1992. ISBN 0-306-44329-5. Lasers have been used to blind pilots, and Laser Designators as a Military tool for precision guidance of munitions or guiding a plane to land at designated location.
8. Ernest Sternglass, “SECRET FALLOUT – Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three-Mile Island,” [Introduction by George Wald, Noble Laureate in Physiology and Medicine], McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York 1972 & 1981 (pbk). ISBN 0-07-061242-0.
[This is a very important and revealing book showing various cover-ups of Radiation fallout accidents that produced cancers cluster’s erroneous dose calculation based on wrong assumptions, as discussed in Chapter 3. Related to May and June fallouts in Albany-Trot area during 1952, and St. George Utah area on May 19, 1953. To add insult to injury, The New York State Health Department never kept updated records of children suffering from Leukemia, but the records were manipulated. Same thing happened to the studies of Strontium 90, in the milk which also caused genetic defects leading to childhood cancer. But the “classified” measurements made by the AEC’s New York Lab had shown that the entire upstate New York area received heavy fallout on April 26, 1953.
Wikipedia article on Backscatter_X-rays http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backscatter_X-ray under a paragraph titled “Technical Countermeasures (against Whole Body scanners),” has suggestions for those who want to prevent either the loss of privacy or possibility of health problems or genetic damage that might be associated with being subjected to a back scatter X-Ray scan. One company sells “X-ray absorbing underwear” which is said to have X-ray absorption equivalent to 0.5 mm of lead. Another product, Flying Pasties “are designed to obscure the most private parts of the human body when entering full-body airport scanners,” but their description does not seem to claim any protection from the X-ray beam penetrating the body of the person being scanned. (another absurd scam like all items confiscated from airlines passengers are sold in a store in Atlanta, GA, by the TSA). Millimeter wave scanners can cause serious burns on the skin, as shown on CBS-News 60-Minute Program causing excruciating pain, if exposure exceeds the designated time.
Similar lies are posted on the official TSA website in the paragraph titled Passenger Acceptance (www.tsa.gov/approach/tech/ait/index.shtm> claiming that over 99 % of passengers choose to be screened by this technology, is another blatant lie. And it also quotes a new CBS poll which says, “4 out of 5 Americans support” the use of this technology (reducing 99% figure to 80% in the same paragraph).
9. Daniel Ford, “MELT DOWN: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission-Three-Mile Island , Chernobyl, . . . Where Next?” Touchstone Books, Simon and Schuster, New York 1982, 84 & 86. ISBN 0-671-63449-6 (Pbk).
10. John J. Berger, “NUCLEAR POWER: The Unviable Option,” [Foreword by Senator Mike Gravel, and introduction by Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Noble Prize Winner (Chemistry & Peace), Dell Publishing Co., New York 1977. ISBN 0-440-355994-5. (pbk).
11. Andrew and Leslie Cockburn,” DANGEROUS LIAISON: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship,” Harper Collins Publishers, New York 1990. ISBN 0-06-016444-1.
{ This book describes how two serious nuclear blackmails occurred in U.S. (1) at Kerr-Mcgee’s Cimarron Plutonium Plant in Oklahoma City during 70’s and led to un-wanten death of a Nuclear Technician, Karen Silkwood, who was on her way to hand over a folder containing information about sixty pounds of missing Plutonium ( known as Material Un-accounted For or MUF, which was sent o Israel) to a New York Times Reporter waiting for her at a Motel across town on Nov. 13, 1974, and (2) How Dr. Mordechai Zalman Shapiro, CEO of NUMEC Corporation, shipped an estimated 572 lbs of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) of MUF to Israel from an Apollo, PA Uranium plant. After a lengthy inquiry by AEC and FBI, he was fined $989,000, and the whole case was quashed. The third case was the hijacking of a cargo ship during 1968 in Mediterranean, containing several-thousand tons of Uranium ore, that was transferred to an Israeli vessel and taken to Haifa, Israel. No one in U.S. ever mentioned about it except its mention in the next reference # 12 mentioned below.
12. Ian Black & Benny Morris, “ISRAEL’S SECRET WARS: A History of Israel’s Secret Services,” Grove Weidenfeld, New York 1990. ISBN 0-8021-3286-3.
[The most important incident in Zionist History was known a as Lavon Affair in July 1954, when Zionist Terrorists infiltrated Alexandria and Cairo Egypt and planted bombs at American institutions to conduct Terror against U.S. interests in Egypt, in order to blame them on Arabs, but were discovered and the perpetrators were brought to justice
13. Richard Deacon, THE ISRAELI SECRET SERVICE,” Taplinger Publishing Co., New York 1980. ISBN 0-8008-4267-7 (pbk) [Chapter 9: pages 118-131, “Yuval Ne’eman’s Technological Revolution,” provides a glimpse of how Israel used technology on captured Arab soldiers during the 6-Day War, and thousands of prisoners in Eshkelon Jail, and other detention centers, where humans have been used as guinea-pigs to test radiation and torture technology, and medical experiments. Recent revelation through arrested Jewish Rabbis in New Jersey, unearthed a world-wide body parts sale business scam related to organs of Palestinians men, women and children, sold for transplants.
14. Nixon, Israel and the Bomb – an article by Avner Cohen & William Burr, “ISRAEL CROSSES THE THRESHOLD: When President Richard Nixon took office he was confronted with evidence that Israel would soon have the Bomb Newly “declassified”
documents divulge what happened next.”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, pages 22-30,
May/June 2006. (Photographic evidence collected during Eisenhower administration
through U-2 Spy Plane flights over Negev Desert, and confirmed by an Israeli nuclear
technician, Mordechai Vanunu, who delivered a roll of film containing photographs taken
inside the Dimona bomb factory, which were published after verification by Sunday
Times on October 5, 1986). The authors disclose the dirty role played by Henry
Kissinger before Golda Meir’s visit to Washington, DC on September 9, 1969. Kissinger
produced a top secret agreement known as National Security Study Memorandum
(“NSSM 40”) aka “Don’t Ask, Don/t Test Treaty with Israel, which gave the Green Light
to Israel to go on building more nukes (estimated as more than 300 in the arsenal) while
U.S. will look the other way as long as these weapons are not tested. Nut lo and behold,
Israelis tested their first device with the help of South Africa’s Apartheid Government, in
South Atlantic whose light flashes were recorded by a VELA Satellite over the South
Atlantic on September 22, 1979. The Executive Office of the President, Office of Science
and Technology Policy after learning this detection appointed an Ad Hoc Panel, which
produced its Report on July 15, 1980. It was a white-wash to declare that it was false
alarm caused by faulty instruments aboard the VELA satellites meant to detect any nuclear
tests around the globe, and that was the end of the story placed in the cold storage. See
reference below.
July 7, 1981 Iraq’s Osirak Nuclear Reactor under construction by the French, was bombed and blown out on July 7, 1981, by Israelis killing the French engineers. I had watched a 16-mm film during February, 1981 at General Electric Co, showing how the newly developed Infra-Red Technology could be used for this purpose. The Israeli F-16 fighters for long duration flights, were outfitted with special large size fuel tanks by Grumman, another U.S. Defense contractor.
15. Mark Gaffney, “DIMONA THE THIRD TEMPLE? The Story Behind the Vanunu
Revelation,” Amana Books, Brattleboro, VT 1989. ISBN 0-915597-77-2. (pbk).
[This book discloses the first Israeli Nuclear Test in South Atlantic with the help of South Africa which was detected by instruments placed in the VELA satellite. But a Presidential Ad-Hoc Committee a year later in their report washed it away by declaring a false alarm due to faulty instruments in that satellite, and nothing was ever mentioned later. Mark Griffin provided all details in this book].
16. William Blum, “ROGUE STATE: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower,”
3rd Edition, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine 2005. ISBN 1-56751-374-3.
[This is a book that everyone ought to read to learn about the hypo-critic standards used by U.S. and test of CB-Weapons not only at home on their own citizens but also to destroy crops and vegetation in other countries using CB warfare (to destroy crops), even reported by Scientific American magazine by Prof Malcolm Dando, of Bradford University, in UK.
[A must read book – Part II- United States’ Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, pages 121 –
160, reveals things never heard before.]
17. Danny Schechter, “WHEN NEWS LIES – Media Complicity and the Iraq War,” [Including a DVD – “Weapons of Mass Deception” or WMD], Select Books, Inc., New York 2006.
ISBN 1-56584-740-7. (pbk). [This is a bombshell for MEDIA).
18. Dr. Helen Caldicott, “NEW NUCLEAR DANGER: George H.W. Bush’s Military-Industrial Complex,” The New Press, New York 2002. ISBN 1-56584-740-7. (pbk)..
19. “Grace Halsell, “ Prophecy And Politics: The Secret Alliance Between Israel and the U.S. Christian Right,” Lawrence-Hill Books, Chicago, IL 1986. ISBN 1-55652-054-9. [Late Grace Halsell, who served as speech writer for President Lyndon B. Johnson, revealed in this book how the Zionists collaborated with the Evangelists to legitimize the occupation of Palestine by brainwashing through their sermons that God gave this land to Israelis as mentioned in the Bible, and used late Jerry Falwell to give him a private plane to propagate hatred against Islam. (as seen on CBS 60-Minutes Program, which was his last TV appearance before his death.)
20. The National Insecurity Council, ”IT’S A CONSPIRACY: The Shocking Truth About America’s Favorite Theories!” Earth Works Press, Berkeley, California 1992. ISBN 1-879682-10-9. [ pages 115 & 116, “Little Nayirah’s Tale – Disinforming the World by George H. W. Bush for waging the war against Iraq – “Operation Desert Storm” for OIL]
21. 103d Congress, 2d Session, SENATE Report: “U.S. CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE-RELATED DUAL USE EXPORTS TO IRAQ AND THEIR POSSIBLE IMPACT ON THE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF THE PERSIAN GULF WAR,” A Report of Chairman Donald W. Reigle, Jr. and Ranking Member Alfonse M. D’Amato of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, with respect to Export Administration, United States Senate, May 25, 1994. This 198 page report reveals the Names of CB Agents, Dates of Shipments to Iraqi Laboratories as Destinations, Legitimately Exported to Iraq, from February 25,1985 to November 28, 1989. These facts were totally distorted not only by the Bush administration but blown out of proportion “as Weapons of Mass Destruction or WMD’s,” to brain-wash people around the globe about a horrible Monster Saddam Hussein living like a Jolly Green Giant, on a Green Bean-Stalk known as IRAQ. NOTHING BUT LIES!
22 Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Explosive Detection Technology, November 13-15, 1991. Document No. DOT/FAA/CT-92/11, FAA Technical center, Atlantic City International airport, New Jersey 08405. Edited by Dr. Siraj M. Khan.U.S. Dept. of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration.
This was a very important pre-planned Symposium, long time prior to WTC events on September 9, 2001, in which more than 100 technical papers were presented by scientists employed by Defense Contractors (to enhance their business opportunities exploiting the Fear tactics . A total of fifteen foreign governments including France, Germany, Israel, UK, and a large number of U.S. government agencies such as FBI, DoD, and Doe were represented.
Here is the brief summary based on different categories, describing Number of papers, and Companies/Labs involved:
1. General: 8.
2. Nuclear Technology:11. SAIC, Westinghouse, Harwell Instruments, ORNL, BDM, Spec. tech. Labs, and UC-SB
3. Accelerators: 3. Grumman Space Systems, LBNL, Triumph-Can.
4. X-Rays & Gamma-Rays: 9. MIT, Notingham Polytechnic, TITAN Spectron, LLNL, Amer. Sc Tech Engg., Fort Washington, Microwave Associates, SAIC, Vivid Tech., Immatron Federal Systems, and IRT Corp.(which won the final contract).
5. Hybrid – X-rays + Nuclear + Others: 4. SAIC, Thermedics, Arthur D. Little, US-DoT, and NRL.
6. Testing & Field Experience: 9. Gamma Metrics, Thermedics, Spatial Dynamics, Quantum Magnetics, Sach Freeman Associates, and UK Police Sc. & Devel.
7. Electromagnetic Technology: General: 7. SW Research Inst., SRI In. Univ., US Army Lab. Ford Motors, NJ
8. Vapor Detection Technology – General: 10. Theemedics, FAA, SNL, Amerasia Technology, and Ion-tracking Instruments
9. Mass/Ion Mobility Spectrometery: 9. BY Univ., ScienTech Inc., , ORNL, Science & BA Security Systems, and Barringer Industries.
10. Gas Chromatography: 2. Texas A&M, FBI Acad, Thermedics, Scientron Ltd., and FAA
11. Tagging: 5. US Army Lab., Piscataway Arsenal,
12. Bio-Sensors: 6. Diametrix Corp. Western Connecticut State Univ., Neuro-Communication Research Lab (NCRL) , NRL & GeoCenters, Inc., and Def. Res. Agency.
13. Signal Processing & Simulation: 7. SAIC, UC Berkeley
14. System Integration: 5. Robotics Lab CM Univ., SAIC< Phil., VA, and VPI
15. Fast Neutron Technology Spectroscopy: SAIC, FAA, SNL, NCA&T
Number 27 Paper: Detection of Objects Concealed Under Person’s Clothing Using the Sub-ambient Exposure, Computer Utilized Reflected Energy or“SECURE” 1000 System,” by Steve W. Smith, PhD, IRT Corporation. [These systems were finally selected by Dept. of Homeland Security for Transport Security Agency (TSA) which are being installed at many airports listed at www.bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/home/2010/06/airports-with-body-scanners.html . Google search for key words [Deepak Chopra, CEO- OSI Systems, Whole Body X-ray Scanners] reveals an interesting network of bedfellows. Deepak Chopra (American of Indian origin), CEO of Rapiscan Systems manufactures SECURE 1000 Whole Body X-ray scanners, and Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security, now a lobbyist for this company helped this company to expand under Obama’s Economic Stimulus program, to expand installation of these systems as far they could, but in reality India will benefit as the systems will be manufactured in India to exploit cheap labor. To further assist in this effort Deepak Chopra accompanied Obama during his recent trip to India. Recently the media revealed that Michael Chertoff has own vested interest in this technology.
CAUTION: TSA information regarding Exposure Dose is totally misleading, as it assumes “only one pass” for a person, disregarding the frequent fliers who have to undergo such scans at every transient air-port or while connecting flights. The Government is in collusion with the manufacturers of the equipment, and is deceiving the tax-payers like it did many years ago regarding the Hazardous Effects of Tobacco.
REALITY: A person is exposed to radiation (ionizing as well as non-ionizing) all the time from the time of birth till death. The Dose depends on his/her location on earth, latitude, and height above the surface of earth (while flying in an aircraft). Thus no two persons receive the same dose in their lifetimes, which brings us to the concept of Threshold Dose, above which DNA is damaged or onset of Cancer might be triggered. Thus the so-called “ Estimated Safe Dose,” is a concoction of a lot of assumptions and “Statistical Risk Analysis.”
And one ought to know what a former Prime Minister of Britain said about Statistics: ” Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics,” as statistics can be manipulated to get the desired results.
Radiation Hazards while Travelling by Air: A person, receives more radiation dose that depends on two factors: (1) Flight Altitude, (2) Time Duration of Flight. The other thing one has to remember is that Radiation effects are “CUMULATIVE.”
Because of advances in Space Radiation Research, Radiation Experts became alarmed when Aircraft Crew Members (Pilots and Stewards/Stewardesses) started having health problems, and were found to have Tumors, and increased instance of Leukemia. Having served on the Radiation Safety Committee for NASA at JSC, the author learnt that three Astronauts died of Leukemia, and fourth (at young age) with Brain Cancer (Tumor). Learning these problems, FAA put out a directive for the Air Crews to cut down their flying hours, lest it might lead to frivolous litigation problems amongst the aircraft- crew-members. About 12 years ago, the author learnt in one of the IEEE (Nuclear & Space Radiation Conference Short Course a startling observation. Previously, Computer Models had been used to scan the radiation levels in the aircrafts and space shuttle (and International Space Station) which only provided rough estimates. But when radiation detectors, specially neutron detectors were placed inside these space vehicle, it really alarmed the community. The scientists found that the amount of neutrons/unit area (a secondary nuclear effect when high energy solar/cosmic ray protons hit air molecules or the metallic body of the spacecraft/aircraft) or neutron flux) increased with flight attitude, exponentially reaching a peak at about 60,000 feet.(by the way, neutrons can cause more damage (it is displacement damage) as though a person is sitting close to a nuclear reactor)The normal flight altitude is about 30,000 to 35,000 feet, and for Concord Aircraft it was about 50,000 feet (and at that altitude the neutron flux was almost at the peak). During recent times the cost of Aircraft fuel has increased, many aircrafts have begun to fly between 40,000 and 45,000 feet altitude (to reduce air friction), but at a cost of more radiation exposure to people inside the aircraft. Another hazard posed is when aircraft taking off from Dubai trying to avoid bad weather in Europe change their course towards Iceland, and encounter more radiation due to the shape of earth’s magnet field that traps charged particles (electrons and protons) (part of the Van Allen Radiation Belts (Doughnut shaped zone around the globe following the shape of geomagnetic lines of force). As the planes get closer to North Pole, the amount of radiation inside the aircraft increases many fold.
The moral of the story is that Government organizations like TSA, are in cahoots with the Corporations manufacturing and selling these scanners by scaring people that they are making them safe, but on the contrary, they are playing a Russian Roulette with their Health due to increased doses of radiation during flights, and adding more radiation dose by means of these Body Scanners, calling them Absolutely Safe like the Cigarette Industry a few years ago. Radiation Effects on the body are not reversible, and since there is no fixed Threshold for different people, the information provided by the government agencies is totally DECEPTIVE. Safety for people is also Deceptive, and it cannot be achieved till proper JUSTICE is Meted or INJUSTICE is removed. In my opinion, the folks driving automobiles with really dark tinted glasses and without 2nd license plate (either in Front or rear) pose the greatest security risk than folks being scanned by Whole Body X-ray scanners.
My personal Experience: (1) Personally, I have been dealing with ”radiation” for more than twenty years, but in 1981, due to a freak accident I inhaled Beryllium particles in a machine shop, which hospitalized me to undergo lung surgery and biopsy. The Surgeon did not find any serious problem at that time and advised me to undergo Chest X-Rays every three months to check the progress. After 3rd X-Ray, my Radiologist advised me to stop Chest X-Rays, stating that the Beryllium did not seem to kill me but more X-Rays would.
(2) In 2002, I had gone to a local hospital in Clearlake City in Houston, TX for a chest X-ray. I asked the X-ray Technician about the Radiation Dose, I will be receiving for my professional safeguards. He asked me why? My response was because I have been working with Radiation related projects for about twenty years. He went to the Radiologist in the adjoining room to ask him about this question, and the radiologist asked “where does he work?” The technician said, “at NASA” The radiologist told him to give me the voltage applied to the X-Ray tube, and let me calculate the Dose. What a response! The Hospitals and Dentists neither provide such information to the patients, and dentists seldom protect the eyes of the patients while taking dental X-ray pictures.
The Moral of the Story is that Radiation, is a silent killer, for which no one knows the safe limit, and anyone who claims it safe, ought to change his profession to become a Snake Oil Salesman. Department of Home Land Security (TSA), is setting up another WEAPONS empire (through corporations such as IRT Technology or Rapiscan systems by scaring the public, which as we know started in 1991 officially), like the Military-Industrial Complex created by Department of Defense.
Thus we MUST keep up the pressure on our Government Representatives to Stop Fooling the PUBLIC by Deceptive methods to ruin their Health.
NOTE: The first victims of these Whole Body and Personal Luggage X-ray Scanner will be the Operators of such equipment, who stand close to the equipment and receive “scattered- radiation,” and where Exposure Dose is CUMULATIVE and depends on Total exposure time (days and moths). The effect of Radiation does not diminish during the time they are not operating the machines. Thus the folks bluffing the PUBLIC are wrong in DECEIVING them by concocted LIES, which have no scientific basis, and their Public Acceptance survey results of 99% as mentioned on TSA’s website are ABSOLUTELY Deceptive and WRONG.
The Surgeon General of United States, Dr. Regina Benjamin, on News-Hour, PBS, Thursday, December 9, 2010 revealed that recent scientific studies have proven without a doubt that even the non-smokers inhaling air contaminated with Cigarette Smoke are found to suffer serious health effects.
Bashir A. Syed
Retired Aerospace Physicist
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