Monday, October 22, 2012

Malala another of shaitan's frauds.

Another attempt to kill the innocent Pakistanis and Afghanistanis for the blood minerals.  The illuminati keep making fools of the rich people to further shaitan's works.

In case you did not know, the British sent Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah to split the then muslim empire to allow them to be able to enter with visas in the future. After the mess they created in the Mughal empire, a combined south east asia would have become the even stronger muslim empire with some Indian city at the center as the HO and the western invaders would never be able to get a visa to enter the east for at least another 2000 years.

Check your (real) history to see the values of the people who invade and those invaded.

The punjab area in the past had a syllabus with ethics, values, etiquettes, and knowledge compulsory up to class 10 (not the illiterate rote memorization class 10 you are familiar with). This was destroyed by the invaders to rote memorization so we have newspapers making cartoons where a human kid goes to school and comes out looking like a donkey.

Face reality like a person who believes in the day of judgement or I shall not believe in what your opinions are about any topic.

Khawar Nehal