Wednesday, December 14, 2022

 Cosmic microwave background dipole axis of evil theory by Khawar Nehal

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


The politically incorrect guide to reality.

A lot of BS is propagated these days due to the idea that people need to be politically correct. 

Since I am sort of a maverick and need to be open about what is going on. Here is something I had been noticing and had to show the media brainwashed zombies of the world majority.

Before you try to fix the ideas, do take a few days or months of thinking to see if what you are politically correct about is because of media brainwashing or based on actual measurements of the real world done personally by you. 

If there are no real measurements involved like ACTUALLY measuring the CO2 levels in the air around your personal self. Then you really need to take a hard look at the kids of lies that you are gullible to just because they are repeat by the media around you. 

You can have the majority of the people of the world parrot the stuff in the media, but rest assured we have filters for that and can do our own measurements to get an idea of what is real and what is propaganda.

Say it like it is. If I am wrong, then dare to state the reality. But first you need to open your eyes and measure the world around you to see the difference between what people think, say, write and do.

A response to the BS that has been propagated and sustained around the world by some people who do not like to believe in God as the creator.

I am not expecting the brainwashed lame brained dumbed down public to comprehend this immediately. Maybe the generation born after the 1990s might get it. But do not expect the older ones to understand it.

Muslims are not terrorists or oppressors. So if Qatar is trying its best, people look dumb by trying to belittle it with lame comments.

Ukraine has been fooled by NATO and so has most of western europe. Putin is saving his country from being run over since NATO started stealing bases ( like in baseball ) over the berlin wall. Look at how far the border of Ukraine is from Moscow. And how far the berlin wall is from Moscow.

Jews are not Zionists. So when the Zionists say they are pushing Palestinians to make way for Jews. Tell them to send themselves and the Jews back to their homeland in Europe. After all that what was the reason for winning the war against Hitler. There is no more Hitler who is pushing Jews out of Europe into Palestine or into any other area.

Hackers are not crackers. Refer to the RFC for the definitions. A cracker is not an ethical hacker. They are not really needed. The sysadm already knows what can be accessed and to what level because they are the ones who configured it. If something else other than the configuration is occurring, then fix the software. Pen test reports shall only inform if your software is not following to configuration. But the sysadmin does check this after setting any configuration anyway. So the crackers are not necessary for testing. Ethical or not. All this ethical cracking is a smoke screen for the financial auditing companies committing to doing something cybersecurity when they do not know what they are over committing to. The result is a lot of beating around the bush termed aptly “frame work” and no real source code being fixed which is the real work.

Rockefeller started selling chemicals with the label of medicine. Now we have chemicals which are sold for life. A medicine should fix the ailment in about 2 weeks or it is a scam. Not even a Quack.

So now since rockerfeller started the scam. We have examples like :

Blood pressure medicine. Take it until you die.

Heart condition medicine. Take it until you die.

Diabetes medicine. Take it until you die.

Health care instead of health cure. Take it until you die.

The subject of medicine is about 60,000 years old. It is termed a quack in the OECD/UN/NATO/US/UK areas. In asia there are health maintenance. It means take medicines to prevent ailments. The scamming OECD group with its chemical factories wants to see the health maintenance field buried. See where the herbal medicines are placed in a department store. See the laws against organizations like the FDA in OECD countries from being allowed to even test the medicines for efficacy. Yes efficacy is a real term but in OECD countries the FDA type departments are only allowed to test Patented stuff. When a chemical loses its patents, it becomes an OTC.

Many OTC medicines are dangerous and fatal if accidentally overdosed. Check the LD50s on them.

Call LGBT++ to where it is going. LGBTA2Z. A2Z for the perversion from Androidophillia to Zoophilia. Yeah don’t be so conservative. They want to include all types of phillia perversions as they desire or can screw their minds into. People really need to choose to twist their minds into a philla. It is NOT natural and also God has declared it as something he does not like. So putting labels on it is not going to change it. The issue is that Autism or the autism spectrum is more related to the neuron densities in the physical brain. So that is biological and not a perversion.

Being on the autism spectrum is not a choice. It is biological. Check the temple guardian brain scans if you have to get this through your thick skulls.

Being transgender is also not a choice. It is biological.

All other choice perversions are a choice. They are psychological. Nothing biological about them.
Autism people are not perverted. They are seen as so because of two things.

One they behave differently. They behave differently because their brains are wired differently physically. Second they are labeled as such by the perverted group.

This fools many of the public into thinking that a lie which is stated multiple times by multiple people and repeated often is true. It is propaganda. The poor autistic people like Turning got killed because of these lies about autistic people being perverted.

The transgender are not like they are by choice. People and the society needs to stop treating them as perverted and take care of them.

Also take care of the autistic people because they are weaker. Even if they look really strong and cold as a stone from the outside. They are just good at hiding their feelings and emotions because all the people around them keep demanding them to act “normal”. See Spock's example of bottling up his feelings to understand this.

As for the perverts who include the autistics and transgenders in the A2Z of phillia to confuse society to get favors and benefits and protect themselves from the punishment the deserve. I think the best thing to do is to ignore them. Unless you have a better idea of what to do with them. Since God is enough and best at justice, let Him deal with them after they are dead. If we ignore the perverts, then they shall stop being so open about it and not get any benefit from society from showing how perverted they are.

BTW, a society which protects and supports perverts could be in for some hot rocks either from a volcano or an asteroid and any time. The people of sodom are an example and the perversion is also named after that in the English language which is popular these days.

If you know better, please do share. After measuring reality of course.

Make a copy of this in case they media does not like it and bans it. 

Hopefully there is enough free speech left to keep this online.

Lets see.