Sunday, June 26, 2011

Halal White sugar

I am interested in making and sustaining a company which supplies Halal White sugar.

All those interested can contact me on the following :

Khawar Nehal

Applied Technology Research Center (ATRC)
C-55 Block A KDA Officers, Karachi 75260, Pakistan
Email :
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Mobile : 971-55-639-8386
Gtalk : khawar.nehal
Skype : khawar.nehal

Internet Wadi

Shop 13 Building T1, Spain Cluster, International City, Dubai, UAE.
Email :

Dubai Business Club
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Dubai Airports CEO: Aviation model is broken

Dubai Airports CEO: Aviation model is broken

by ASC Guest Columnist on Aug 9, 2010

Paul Griffiths.
Paul Griffiths.

A growing need for pro-aviation policy, partnership and global perspective - written by Paul Griffiths, chief executive officer of Dubai Airports.

Airlines around the world have lost around US$50 billion since 2001, which clearly indicates that the present business model in completely and utterly broken.

As the aviation industry works to repair this situation, governments worldwide should also take a look at Dubai’s aviation model to stem the flow of red ink and improve the financial sustainability of an industry that generates 8% of global GDP.

After all, Dubai has a thriving aviation sector that features the third busiest airport for international passenger and cargo traffic, the world’s largest single airport retail operation and one of the fastest growing and most profitable airlines on the planet.

Last year, while global aviation recorded the worst demand decline in post-war years, Dubai International recorded 9.2% passenger traffic growth, making it the world’s fastest growing major international airport.

Annual passenger numbers are forecast to grow from 41 million in 2009 to 98 million in 2020 and 150 million passengers by 2030. With this in mind, the emirate’s approach can provide some valuable insight to counterparts throughout the world.

There are three primary factors behind Dubai’s success – a pro-aviation government policy, industry-government partnership and a vision that embraces the changing industry dynamics driven by globalisation.

At the end of the day, most governments around the world treat aviation as a pariah and choke its growth with costly, misdirected regulation and parasitic forms of taxation, whose revenues usually flow straight out of the sector.

Sadly, the UK government is top-in-class in this regard. The Air Passenger Duty serves only to pad the Treasury’s coffers.

And its recent decision to stop the construction of a third runway at Heathrow effectively snuffs out the considerable economic growth aviation can drive in an already beleaguered economy. Dubai has done the exact opposite.

Aviation generates 25% of the emirate’s GDP - a fact that has led to its inclusion in Dubai’s strategic plan and a long-standing open skies policy. Allegations of a tax free environment are correct – but we aren’t the only tax free environment in the world and the policy applies to all companies operating in Dubai.

Emirates Airline is run as a fully commercial business and treated like any other airline at Dubai International in terms of airport and landing charges. The airport is government owned, however, it is run efficiently, it is cash positive and revenues generated are re-invested into infrastructure.

The alignment of government agencies and industry partners has also boosted growth and efficiency as resource planning, facility investment and expansion are coordinated and supportive of airline growth strategies and fleet acquisition plans.

In addition, greater collaboration, information sharing and use of existing technologies across the aviation value chain is also needed to streamline airport processes, improve the customer experience and boost retail revenues.

Almost 50% of the time a customer spends at an airport is absorbed by cumbersome processes - at an opportunity cost as high as US$35 billion per annum.

This lost revenue ultimately stems from a chronic lack of trust and cooperation between airlines, airports and retailers. It’s high time for all parties to acknowledge their inter-dependence and leverage their strengths.

This could lead to an environment where the travel retail industry records greater profits, airports fund themselves entirely from non-aeronautical income, and airlines are relieved of the burden of airport charges.

In the UK and other mature European markets, limited space, congestion and a stifling regulatory environment have all but capped airport expansion.

By contrast, in just three airports in the Middle East, investment in airport infrastructure is expected to reach $39 billion over the next 10 years.

And while the formula for change is apparent, a lack of trust often impedes progress. Industry partners must learn to cooperate and coordinate activities to better bring their individual strengths to the table.

Governments must adopt policies that support liberalisation and sustainable growth. And both must commit to developing a lasting partnership that recognises the changing face of our industry and seeks the greatest efficiencies from an evolving global network.

Dubai Airports CEO issues capacity warning by Robeel Haq on Jun 13, 2011

Air traffic capacity constraints pose the single largest threat to aviation growth and the billions of dollars of additional economic activity its expansion is expected to generate in the Middle East and globally over the next decade, according to Dubai Airports CEO Paul Griffiths.

“In Dubai, aircraft movements are now five times more numerous than 25 years ago, growing from 63,000 in 1985 to over 307,000 in 2010,” said Griffiths in a speech delivered to air traffic management executives attending the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization’s (CANSO) annual general meeting being held in Bangkok yesterday. “By 2020 aircraft movements will surpass 560,000 and passenger numbers will climb to 98.5 million. Unfortunately, the airspace is currently not configured to support the growth and capacity bottlenecks are looming on the horizon. We have an outdated route structure, fragmented airspace and there is a lack of effective coordination on a regional scale.”

Traffic growth is expected to generate significant economic expansion. In Dubai alone, aviation supports 250,000 jobs and $22 billion in economic activity, according to the results of a recently released study conducted by leading global research firm Oxford Economics. By 2020 aviation is projected to support 373,000 jobs – or 22% of the total employment in Dubai – and $45.4 billion in economic activity – or 32% of GDP.

Dubai is not alone in its recognition of the value of aviation. Airlines and airports across the Middle East are investing heavily in aircraft and infrastructure expansion to capture the value of the anticipated growth. Arab countries plan to spend nearly $200 billion on new aircraft in the next 15 years to meet demand. And more than $100 billion has been committed to airport expansion, more than half of which is in the UAE itself.

“Previously most of aviation’s congestion problems have existed on the ground, now the biggest strategic threat to the growth of aviation is in the air,” said Griffiths. “There are several root causes for this malaise. The external factors start with nationalism and politics getting in the way of logic. There is needless concern over sovereignty issues which have long been overcome elsewhere. Another is an outdated regulatory environment which is not supporting the new order of aviation where airspace is viewed as a global commodity, not a local product. Finally, airspace management is being seen by other parts of the industry as a black art, not a vital part of the supply chain and is therefore not properly integrated.”

Griffiths added that internal factors, such as a lack of strategic planning among air navigation service providers and the general absence of long term commitment and investment, are equally disconcerting.

To avoid constraining aviation’s growth locally, Dubai Airports is finalising a detailed strategy to expand airspace capacity over the next decade. Measures include adjusting the sequencing of arrivals and departures, redesigning route structures and making better use of technologies such as performance based navigation and communication navigation and surveillance systems which help aircraft fly more efficiently. Dubai Airports is also leading a joint Middle East Airspace Study, in coordination with CANSO, UAE General Civil Aviation Authority and Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, to work across borders to optimise the region’s airspace structure.

“There is a critical gap between politics and operations at both government and operating levels in presenting the compelling economic case for an efficient airspace environment,” concluded Griffiths. “We simply cannot wait for the political wheels to grind so slowly. We have to recognise that working together is the only way forward.”

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Basic rent and percentage calculation.

The following reviews the various methods of calculating percentage rental, and the administrative provisions pertaining to percentage rental payments by retailers under percentage rent leases.

Methods of Calculation

There are several different methods of calculating percentage rental for retailers. Payment of a specific percentage of gross sales with a guaranteed minimum rent is probably the most common. This method of calculation is generally effected by language obligating the tenant to pay "percentage rental equal to five percent (5%) of the tenant's gross sales less the minimum rental payable under the lease."

Another method of percentage rent calculation is to provide for a minimum rental with payment of a percentage of gross sales over a stipulated breakpoint or breakpoints. Language effecting a stipulated breakpoint would obligate the tenant to "pay percentage rental equal to five percent (5%) of all gross sales in excess of annual sales above the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)."

The stipulated breakpoint method for the purpose of calculating percentage rental can be dangerous when partial years are involved. This method, unless the lease provides otherwise, may allow the tenant to have gross sales at a rate greater than the break point for a partial year under the lease, and avoid paying percentage rent for that partial year, since the stipulated breakpoint is not exceeded for the short year.

In the event a stipulated break point is used to calculate percentage rent, the tenant may wish to insist upon a provision that reduces the breakpoint in the event the rental for the premises is reduced, e.g., in the case of a partial condemnation of the premises occupied by the tenant.

There is really no requirement that a stipulated breakpoint relate directly to a mathematical breakpoint for the calculation of percentage rental. Of course, the mathematical breakpoint is calculated by dividing the minimum rent by the percentage of gross sales the tenant is obligated to pay. For example, if the minimum rental for the premises is $50,000 per year and the tenant is paying 5% of sales, then the mathematical breakpoint is $l million. However, the parties could agree that the minimum rent would start at higher than $1 million, e.g., $1.25 million. This is sometimes called a "skip," since a portion of the gross sales against which percentage rent is calculated is "skipped", i.e., that portion between $1 million and $1.25 million.

The same result could be achieved by using a "split" percentage approach. The term "split" percentage deal comes from the use of two percentage figures, the first to calculate the breakpoint, and the second to fix the amount of percentage rent payable for sales in excess of the breakpoint. For example, in a "split" 4%/5% deal, the breakpoint would be calculated by dividing 4 percent into the minimum rental of $50,000 to yield a breakpoint of $1.25 million above which the tenant would pay 5 percent of gross sales as percentage rent.

Finally, sometimes tenants negotiate different percentage rates for increments of annual sales. For example, the tenant might agree to pay 5 percent on sales between $1 million and $2 million, and 4 percent on sales above $2 million. Frequently, this sort of agreement results from a compromise between a landlord who wants 5 percent of sales as percentage rent and a tenant who wants 4 percent of sales payable as percentage rent.

The last method of calculation is by far the least prevalent--it is the "straight percentage" or "percentage only" deal which obligates the tenant to pay solely a percentage of gross sales as rental with no fixed minimum rental. It is usually only used with major anchors for regional shopping centers or anchors for community shopping centers. Suffice it to say that substantial tenant leverage is required to obtain a straight percentage deal. The main nuance associated with this type of deal is the possibility of an implied operating covenant (i.e., a covenant to conduct business continuously in the premises) for the tenant in many jurisdictions, unless the lease provides expressly otherwise. Courts may imply this sort of covenant since the landlord will receive no rent if the tenant ceases to operate, even though the tenant has the continued occupancy of the premises.

Definition of Gross Sales and Exclusions

Generally, landlord-oriented percentage rent leases have an expansive definition of gross sales. Such sales are typically calculated by utilizing "the actual sales price of all goods, services and merchandise sold, delivered or licensed in the premises by the tenant, or by any subtenants or concessionaires, whether they are made for cash or on credit." Tenants generally seek relief from such broad definitions by proposing to exclude a number of items from the base against which percentage rental is calculated. Common exclusions include:

  • sales or excise taxes payable the tenant to taxing authorities;
  • proceeds from the sale of gift certificates until redeemed for service or merchandise;
  • labor charges for incidental services in the premises, e.g., charges for Christmas wrapping;
  • all credits and refunds given or made to customers for returns of merchandise;
  • all sums received in settlement for lost or damaged merchandise;
  • sales of machinery, equipment, trade fixtures not made in the ordinary course of the tenant's business;
  • sales to employees at a discount (often with a maximum amount for such sales);
  • incidental receipts by the tenant (e.g., vending or stamp machine receipts, receipts from public telephones, proceeds from the sale of money orders, and receipts from video games, although frequently landlords are not willing to exclude video game revenue since it can be substantial).
  • charges paid directly to credit card issuers.

Record Keeping and Rights of Audit

Frequently, provisions in the lease requiring the tenant to maintain records pertaining to percentage rental are onerous from an administrative point of view, especially for chain store retailers. National tenants frequently balk at rules requiring percentage rental records to be kept on the premises of the store rather than at the home office for the retailer. Further, national tenants frequently object to language which requires them to retain sales slips, bank deposits, tapes from cash registers, or other point of sale reports from business machines located on the premises. In addition, many percentage rent provisions require the chief financial officer of the tenant to certify percentage rent reports submitted by the tenant. Generally, national tenants will not agree to such certification requirements, but will agree to furnish sales reports to the landlord with a reasonable amount of detail.

Other questions pertaining to record keeping for percentage rental include:

  • Are separate records required for subtenants and concessionaires?
  • Is the tenant required to submit backup data for statements of percentage rent if requested by the landlord?
  • Must the tenant furnish copies of audits to the landlord that the tenant has performed or copies of sales tax returns to verify gross sales?
  • Can the landlord audit the tenant's records concerning gross sales and is there a cutoff period by which this audit must be performed?
  • Is there a "penalty assessment" that is payable in the event the tenant has underpaid percentage rental as disclosed by an audit?
  • Is the tenant required to pay the cost of an audit if the sales are found to be understated by a certain percentage, e.g., three percent?
  • What is the retention period during which the tenant must retain sales records for audit by the landlord?

Timing of Payment

The mechanics of payment of percentage rental really are cash flow issues between the landlord and the tenant. The landlord wants percentage rental paid as soon and as often as possible, and the tenant wants just the opposite. Generally, tenants try to modify percentage rental provisions to provide for payment of any percentage rental due within thirty days following the end of the lease year. Landlords often dislike lump sum annual percentage rental payment because of its adverse impact on cash flow. Frequent compromises on the manner of payment include:

  • payment semiannually within thirty days; or
  • payment on a quarterly basis within thirty days; or
  • payment monthly after the breakpoint is exceeded by the tenant's gross sales within fifteen days following the end of the month.

New signature with updated businesses.

Khawar Nehal

Applied Technology Research Center (ATRC)
C-55 Block A KDA Officers, Karachi 75260, Pakistan
Email :
Website :
Mobile : 971-55-639-8386
Gtalk : khawar.nehal
Skype : khawar.nehal

Internet Wadi

Shop 13 Building T1, Spain Cluster, International City, Dubai, UAE.
Email :

Dubai Business Club
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Salam BC :
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Dubai inspectors fine 113 Dragon Mart stores for counterfeit goods

Inspectors impose Dh100,000 in fines on 113 stores at Dragon Mart for violations

  • By Deena Kamel YousefStaff Reporter
  • Published: 00:00 June 23, 2011
  • Gulf News

Dubai: The Dubai Government appears to have taken a zero-tolerance policy against fake products with officials seizing a large chunk of counterfeits.

During a recent raid on Dragon Mart, the Department of Economic Development (DED) seized 2,500 fake goods from the popular Chinese market in Dubai, according to a DED official.

The inspectors imposed Dh100,000 in fines on 113 stores found violating intellectual property rights, Abdullah Al Shehi, Director of Commercial Protection, told Gulf News.

Bags, shoes, clothes

The counterfeit products included bags, shoes and clothes imitating high-end brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Crocs, he said.

The Chinese knock-offs will meet their demise in a large shredder at the back of a van near the DED's Al Qusais offices and the remains will be recycled.

The DED began an awareness campaign against counterfeit products targeting Dragon Mart at the beginning of the year.


The campaign and brochures were all in Mandarin in an attempt to educate vendors on copyright laws, he added.

Earlier this year, the DED destroyed 453,000 fake goods it confiscated last year.

The department issues warnings, imposes fines ranging from Dh5,000 to Dh20,000, and closes the establishments of repeat offenders for up to 90 days.

Trading in fake goods is especially popular in Bur Dubai markets, but the free zones are also potential entry points for the products into the country.

Counterfeit costs $600 billion a year

It is estimated that counterfeiting costs $600 billion a year globally, according to the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC).

Approximately five to seven per cent of world trade is in counterfeit goods, the IACC estimates.

Consumers can file complaints about counterfeit goods by logging on to or dialling the complaints hotline on 600-54-5555.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Old gadgets competition

Do you have a dead gadget or the one that is not usable?

Well here comes the chance to use it and make something of it.

All you need is creativity and skill to make something out of these unused products.

Spider Magazine is organizing a competition named Tech Recycle Competition in which you can take part and get a chance to win Gizmos.

Competition is organized for The Young Leaders Conference and the winners will be selected on the basis of entries’ innovativeness, practicality, strategy and presentation.

Winners will be announced at The Young Leaders Conference.

Age Limit:

  • Tech Recycle Competition is open only to students aged between 18 and 24.

Last Date of Submission:

  • Deadline for all entries is 6:00 pm on June 20, 2011

Application forms can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hope for Glaucoma

Optic Nerve Axon Growth

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Larry Benowitz, PhD, of Children’s Hospital in Boston, MA, and also on faculty at Harvard Medical School, has completed a study that aims to stimulate the damaged optic nerve to regenerate its axons.

Dr. Benowitz and his team wanted to know what molecules would stimulate trophic (growth activating) factors that would encourage ganglion cell fiber growth. There was one molecule in particular the team was excited about. With strong suspicions that it would do the trick, they injected this molecule, as well as other molecules, and monitored the different responses. What Dr. Benowitz referred to as their "favorite molecule" produced good results, but so did many other molecules. The task then was to figure out what was producing the growth response.

After retracing their steps, the team found that it really didn’t matter what was being injected. It turned out that the lens injury caused by injecting the molecule, and not the molecule itself, was responsible for triggering the desired response.

Lens Injury Causes Axon Growth

The lens injury was producing an inflammatory response. This, in turn, provoked macrophage infiltration into the vitreous humor (the gel in the back of the eye). These macrophages are generally thought to have an adverse effect. However, in this case, at least some of them seem to be putting out trophic factors that contribute to the growth of retinal ganglion cell fibers.

Since damage to the lens is not clinically practical, the team then began to look for other ways to evoke this response. One way was to introduce a cell wall preparation from yeast. By doing this, they were able to produce axon growth without damaging the lens.

Dr. Benowitz says, "We’re not the first to discover that axons from retinal ganglion cells are able to regenerate. But it was always thought the regeneration could not penetrate the scar tissue created by the injury." He goes on, "Up to this point, it was thought that it [the scar tissue] was an impenetrable barrier." Almost all of the surviving retinal ganglion cells in the study reverted to growth mode. While these axons did not actually establish structural continuity and function, a fair number were able to extend through the injury site and down on to the optic nerve.

Importance for the Future of Glaucoma Treatment

Vision loss caused by glaucoma is a direct result of damage to the optic nerve. As we’ve said, there has never been (and still isn’t) a way to repair the optic nerve once damage is done. The best course of action for glaucoma has always been early detection and treatment to prevent further damage. However, since glaucoma has virtually no signs or symptoms, too often glaucoma is not discovered until damage has already occurred.

Even though once detected, most cases of glaucoma are controlled with medication or surgery, it remains the second leading cause of blindness in America. An estimated 3 million Americans have glaucoma, and of those, only half know they have it. This means that 1.5 million people may experience irreversible loss of vision because their glaucoma will go untreated, making the ability to repair the nerve vitally important.

What Comes Next?

While we are yet years from practical application of these findings, this research provides great hope for the future. Hope exists not only for glaucoma patients but also for other neurological diseases. Next steps involve further refining the process. We must know exactly which molecules are causing the growth to occur as well as which ones interfere.

Once researchers refine what is needed to help the axon grow, they need to determine if those axons can navigate properly and get where they need to go. Scientists have only just begun to look into this area. This research also has not yet been conducted on the human eye.

Dr. Benowitz states, "We need to find out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys and then figure out how to tip the balance to stimulate nerve cell growth." He goes on, "The question is not, can the nerve cell regenerate its axon, because clearly it can. We just need to identify the right stimuli that will get the neuron thinking it’s back in its youth and start growing again." We look forward to a future fountain of youth (so to speak) for optic nerve cell axons.

Last reviewed on April 19, 2011

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Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Treat Glaucoma With Gingko Biloba

From :


Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve due to introcular pressure, causing vision impairment and possibly blindness as a result. Glaucoma sets in gradually and you may not notice vision loss until it has developed to an advanced stage. Standard treatment for glaucoma includes prescribed eye drops, oral medications and surgery. However, according to Steven Bratman, author of "Collins Alternative Health Guide," you can treat glaucoma by taking ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba is a large tree native to China. Its leaves have over 40 flavonoids and terpenoids that make them effective for treating a variety of conditions. Always consult your doctor before taking any alternative treatment.

Step 1

Purchase only a standardized extract of ginkgo biloba at your pharmacy or health food store. A standardized ginkgo biloba extract should contain 24 percent of ginkgo flavone glycosides.

Step 2

Take a 120mg dose of the ginkgo extract daily with a meal. One capsule of the extract should provide a full dose.

Step 3

Continue to take the dosage for at least eight weeks to see an significant improvement in your visual field.

About this Author

Joe Lewis started writing professionally in 2010 for various websites. He holds a Master of Science in nutrition and dietetics.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to recession proof your life.

How to recession proof your life.

By : Khawar Nehal

31 May 2011.

Creative Commons License
How to recession proof your life by Khawar Nehal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Emergency Fund

Have an emergency liquid fund. This means 20% of your values should be in Cash at home, and spread out in at least 3 banks in different countries incorporated in opposite sides of the earth.

Live in your limits.

Divide your expenses into three areas. Needs, wants and desires.

Most people tend to place more than their real needs in the needs area. Most of the expensive stuff is usually in the desires area. Example everything which more than 90% of you neighbors cannot afford is most probably a luxury and can be placed in the desires column.

Do not budget more than 30% of your income on expenses. And make sure you budget at least 20% of your income into your needs. Use the envelope method for expense control.

Make sure you have only one credit card and that is topped up with cash in the bank. Use this credit card for only these three areas :

  1. There is no other way to pay like internet shopping.

  2. It is too dangerous to carry cash. Like touring difficult areas. You can carry cash and take travel insurance. It may be cheaper than the accidental credit card charges which accumulate.

  3. You cannot pay someone else cash to use their credit card for the transaction.

Have at least three sources of income.

This is called diversification. One basic like a food business or a simple job. One medium like a car rental company and the third a value added company like an ecommerce business or a venture capital.

Do not invest more than 10% in high end high risk venture capital which claims to pay more than 50% per year returns on investment.

Take a long term view of investments.

Invest like you are going to stay in the business for at least 10 years. If you do not intend to finish something then do not start. Most probably for awesome returns you need to stick around in the business for at least 20 years. At least 5 years to start making a return on investment.

Do real risk management.

Most of the losses are because the risks are not calculated completely and properly. If at all.

This takes time and patience but is the best way to make a profit.

Have a high trust level.

Business runs on trust. If you lose and you have committed to pay back, then pay back from your other profits to clear old dues. This way you shall always have a line of credit. If you have a high trust level an no credit line available, then you can safely assume that the world is in a recession/depression and there is no way the common person is going to get a loan on any sane terms.

The existence of God scientifically.

God's existence according to Khawar Nehal and tips on how to fight like a warrior.

Creative Commons License
How to fight by Khawar Nehal by Khawar Nehal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Copyright 22 May 2011. All rights reserved.

Occam's razor is right.
According to wikipedia : "Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor[1]), often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle that generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions, when the hypotheses are equal in other respects.[2] For instance, they must both sufficiently explain available data in the first place."

First the observed facts

  1. The universe exists.

  2. We exist

  3. The Universe has an apparent structure and a design

I am calling these observed facts because if we live in some kind of simulation then all the observed facts shall not physically exist.

Now to exist, something has to be created. To create something has to be the creator.

Idea 1 : An all knowing, all capable and forgiving God exists who created the Universe.

The reason for the qualities are as follows :

  1. God is all knowing because he needs to know what and how to create the Universe.

  2. God is all capable. After all he needs to have the power to create the Universe.

  3. God is kind. Because an all powerful and all knowing God who knows that the created life forms have the guts to deny the creator's existence after they have been provided the freedom to do so might just as well delete the creation.

Idea 2 : God does not exist.

God fearing people agree with idea 1 because they want to keep things simple and do not want their buts kicked in hell.

Atheists exist to try to refute the idea 1 in favor of idea number 2. Here are the reasons why they do it in vain.

They argue that based on arguments for simplicity, God's existence defines a very complex existence.

Now they have to understand the Occam's razor is not a law which states that everything that is simpler is true but a suggestion that the simpler idea is usually true.

If you assume that the simpler idea is better then the God's existence idea is simpler. The reason for this is that you shall need to come up with an idea that explains the existence of the Universe without God as a creator. So far no one has come up with such an idea even.

Now suppose you add the complexity of a simulation. If we are in a simulation, then the simulation needs to be controlled by a computer which is controlled by another computer creator. Now this idea is more complex but still does not explain the creation of the computer that is driving the simulation. This idea is more complex than a single God creating the universe and dealing with the life forms in is directly. Instead of an indirect communication of having to create a computer to run a game with a set of rules like Physics, psychology, maths, chemistry and other rules.

Firstly occam's razor is a suggestion so existence of a complex God does not contradict it. The non existence of a God is an idea so beyond the human capability of though that no theory has been proposed. The simulation (matrix) type ideas end up contradicting the occam's razor by requiring another entity to create the simulation. So stating that God does not exist makes a human or a jinn look like an illiterate fool making a statement. That is all it is, a statement. A statement that an illiterate fool can make because God is kind enough to allow them to make it while they are alive.

Here are some more facts for people to think about.

  1. There are many life forms which are created and finished during your own lifetime.

  2. They are created, they live for a period of time.

  3. They die.

Based on these you can infer that you were created, you shall live for a certain period of time and you shall die.

Now if the die hard athiests wish to use occam's razor to deny God, they cannot because it is a suggestion for simplicity. There is nothing in the observed Universe which suggests the fact that Occam's razor is a fact.

Also there are many signs based on Maths, science, psychology, logic and many other subjects that suggest near completely that there is a God. But none prove it.

If God wanted to, he could have deprived humans the capability of free thought. However, he provided free thought to humans so they could prove to the devil that having free thought is more powerful than an Angel which does not have free thought. He also created animals which have some freedom to make decisions however they were not provided the capability of vision and ability to come up with names for ideas. The angels also have not been provided with the capability of putting names on things.

Now an explanation of Islam.

The word Islam means submission. Here are the points. Facts if you are a believer and assumptions if you do not believe.

  1. There is no God except the one true God

  2. God created everything

  3. God created you with a soul and provided a body

  4. God created shaitan the devil to test you

  5. Shaitan has been provided the power to whisper in your heart. Not in your mind

  6. Shaitan argues with God that humans can be turned into worse than animals if they have free thought. God, who knows better does thinks shaitan is too arrogant and egotistic to understand.

  7. God created the Universe for demonstrating his theory in practice to Shaitan

  8. Shaitan has been permitted and allowed to mess around in the hearts of humans

  9. If a human becomes a man very close to God then God protects the human from shaitan inside the Universe

Solution :

The best book I have found which explains the conflict between a good God fearing human and the shaitan is in the book self discipline in 10 days by Mr. Theodore Bryant. He explains Hyde as a person or ego to be controlled. When I read this it made me feel that Hyde was a description of the shaitan inside us and how hard it is for a human to control it. There is always a constant struggle between the shaitan and the mind to do the right thing. Usually if we let go, shaitan wins. There seems to be no way to beat such an enemy. The only way which I feel is to give up and submit (Islam) to God for help.

That way a feedback loop is created. You work for God over your own interests that he finally provides his protection from the shaitan and the conflict ends. But remember, if you relax your work then God returns you out of his protection and the conflicts with shaitan start again.

The bad people want freedom and do not wish to submit to the extreme that God wants. When they do this, they are easily controlled by shaitan and shaitan gets them to go against what God has written in the book for humans to follow. Ok so you may now be thinking this is easy. I would like to tell you from my experience. I am 40 years old and have been dealing with this enemy inside all my life. You need to learn and fight like a warrior to keep it under control. I do not know of any way to win. The only thing I have learned to do is do good enough to get God's protection and then there is some sanity and calm to be enjoyed. When you are protected, it is like being under a cool shade but you always have to keep your guard. This because if you become too relaxed and start doing what you feel like doing, then God places you back in the war zone and the next thing you know is the shaitan is whispering in your heart like the Hyde described in the self discipline book. The tough part is the rules you have to follow. They are described in the book. You cannot commit suicide because that means a straight failing and you shall end up in hell. So the whole objective is to fight all your life. Now most people shall be thinking : “what a crock to waste his life on just one concept.”

Well that is what I am talking about. That is not you, it is shaitan (like hyde) speaking inside your heart.

Here it is in points.

If you do not believe in God then you can believe anything you want and it won't matter what you do in life because you are worthless.

If you want to believe in God then you need to believe that he exists.

If so then you are created by him and you shall return.

If you return then there is a day of judgement. This is the day that shaitan shall always make sure you do not believe in so that he can make you feel that you are a believer in God. However belief without accountability is good for shaitan because he can make you a worse person by getting you to practically do bad deeds while KNOWING that there is a God. And therefore KNOWING that God is the one providing the freedom to do as you want while you are alive.

The real belief in the day of judgement is what gets serious God believers to get off their buts and break their backs in the fight against shaitans whisperings and doing good things for themselves and others during whatever life they have left. Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life so get off you butt and collect some goodie points to reduce your chances of ending up in hell. Inshallah hope we all meet in heaven. (Pray for this). Inshallah means God willing. We have to say this because saying that something shall happen because of us is like undermining God's persistent control and God does not like that. In many cases he forgives but in some cases we get into real deep trouble for thinking we can do something because of us alone without God's permission.

Ok now you can thank me for creating hell on earth for you all. I have told you a bit of what I have learned. Now to summarize for you.

Good things first :

  1. You can increase your chances to go to heaven by doing good. (The reason I say increase is that if you knew you have passed you shall stop the fight)

  2. You can ask and get God's protection during your lifetime if God accepts your request.

  3. What you want is similar to what God wants. It it the God given whispering power in your heart that causes you to confuse what shaitan wants as something you want.

  4. It is possible to control your heart and make it cleaner by using your brain. However never expect to do it alone without God's help.

Tough (not bad) things next :

  1. If you listen to shaitan's whispering and follow them by being lax in life you increase your chances of doing bad things and ending up in hell.

  2. This universe has not been made as a playground to satify the human's basic needs, wants and desires but to be a Man and fight for what God wants over what shaitan wants.

  3. The ego management is the toughest issue to manage.

Monday, May 30, 2011

State of Broadband Industry in Pakistan [Dec 2010]

State of Broadband Industry in Pakistan [Dec 10]

By Aamir Attaa · Monday, May 30, 2011 1 Commen

Broadband services in Pakistan have penetrated well in urban areas, still the growth rate is yet to see the enormousness – and the main reason is the inaccessibility of broadband services in rural areas.

Due to limited investments, broadband service providers are mainly limited to the major cities of the country.

Even in larger cities, the quality of service for internet service providers remains a question mark. This is mainly due to old copper media for landline connections which prevents reliable service available for home-users who are 1,500 meters or farer from the telephone exchange he/she is getting services.

This constraint compelled investors to bring wireless broadband services such as WiMAX
and EvDO which started a fierce competition between fixed vs. wireless broadband

Resultantly, coverage, quality of service, marketing and tariffs were positively effected and industry statistics got a new boost as more subscribers started to join the broadband clan.

The growing trend of wireless uptake by the general public will shun the dependency on fixed line parameters.

Subscriber Stats:

There are currently 1,140,781 broadband subscribers in Pakistan as compared to 643,892 at the end of December, 2009 showing a 77% growth over the last calendar year.

Despite the fact that growth rate lowered in year 2010 as compared to previous year, still, it must be noted that the number of net additions this year (496,889) are more than that of last year (376,712).

Currently, broadband penetration of the country stands at 0.66% at the end of December, 2010 which was 0.39% in December 2009, depicting almost 69% growth in just one year.

It is also a fact that Broadband is still an emerging phenomenon with inherent constraints associated with it like lack of connectivity to rural areas, low literacy rate, lack of local content and applications etc., therefore, it will take some time for the penetration level to reach the high mark.

Broadband Subscribers thumb State of Broadband Industry in Pakistan [Dec 10]

Major Broadband Players

PTCL, Wateen, WorldCall and wi-tribe are the biggest broadband operators of Pakistan having a combined share of over 90 percent.

PTCL holds 55% market share having 626,748 subscribers with both its DSL and EvDO services topping in their respective broadband technology charts.

PTCL has added the highest number of new broadband subscribers as well i.e. 294,481 showing 89% growth rate in the previous year.

Wateen, out of the 232,541 subscribers, added 81,526 subscribers in the previous year with a 54% growth rate which is much lesser than its direct competitor PTCL.

With 125% growth rate during calendar year 2010 and 122,813 subscribers, WorldCall has been the standout operator in terms of growth rate whereas it added 68,128 new subscribers as well.

Wi-Tribe follows World Call closely in terms of growth rate as it added 40,064 new subscribers depicting 118% growth during the last calendar year. Link Dot Net stays at the fifth spot with 36,391 subscribers up 28% from December 2009.

broadband subscribers by ISPs thumb State of Broadband Industry in Pakistan [Dec 10]

Technology Wise Broadband Market Share

Broadband market of Pakistan is a true amalgamation of latest fixed and wireless technologies from around the world. Ranging from primitive fixed line technologies like Cable TV, FTTH and DSL to latest wireless technologies like WiMAX and EvDO, the nation has a variety of options when selecting a suitable broadband package.

Figures show a historical view of Pakistan’s broadband technology evolution over the years. DSL ruled the broadband market of Pakistan since 2007 due to an established fixed line infrastructure by the incumbent, PTCL.

HFC and WiMAX broke the monopoly of DSL by getting a combined chunk of almost 37% in the market in 2007-08. The scenario changed again when WiMAX truly established itself as a viable wireless broadband solution and EvDO made a promising start in the market however, HFC declined sharply due to introduction of new technologies.

Currently, there exists a fierce competition between fixed and wireless technologies as EvDO and WiMAX are collectively increasing their market share over DSL and other fixed line services.

technology wise Broadband share thumb State of Broadband Industry in Pakistan [Dec 10]

fixed vs wireless thumb State of Broadband Industry in Pakistan [Dec 10]

Note: All stats, figures are taken from PTA’s quarterly report – and are till December 2011

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Linux administrator Job Karachi, Pakistan

Relevant Experience:

At least 1 years of experience in Linux server administration.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

BS K&N Filters and advertising

Debunking the K&N Myth - Why OEM is Better

Postby AZhitman » Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:22 pm

For decades, the aftermarket hot rod, racing and tuning communities have relied on oiled-media filters to free up that extra few horsepower. In fact, it's often one of the FIRST modifications many automotive enthusiasts do to their car.

This report shows, with empirical data and sound reasoning, why OEM filters perform better in a variety of areas.

Special thanks to Arlen Spicer and all others involved in making this information available.

A note from the author:

The reason I started this crusade was that I was seeing people spend a lot of money on aftermarket filters based on the word of a salesperson or based on the misleading, incomplete or outright deceiving information printed on boxes and in sales literature. Gentlemen and Ladies, Marketing and the lure of profit is VERY POWERFUL! It is amazing how many people believe that better airflow = more power! Unless you have modifications out the wazoo, a more porous filter will just dirty your oil! Some will say " I have used aftermarket brand X for XXX # years with no problems. The PROBLEM is you spent a chunk of change on a product that not only DID NOT increase your horsepower, but also let in a lot of dirt while doing it! Now how much is a lot? ANY MORE THAN NECESSARY is TOO MUCH!

Others are persuaded by the claims of aftermarket manufacturers that their filters filter dirt "better than any other filter on the market." Sounds very enticing. To small timers like you and me, spending $1500 to test a filter sounds like a lot. But if you were a filter manufacturer and you believed your filter could filter dirt better than any other media on the market, wouldn't you want to prove it? Guess what. Test your filter vs. the OE paper. It will cost you $3000 and for that price you will have the data that you can use in your advertisements. Your investment will be returned a thousand fold! EASIER than shooting fish in a barrel! So why don't these manufacturers do this? Hmmm? Probably not because they would feel guilty about taking more market share.

Now I am not saying that ALL aftermarket filters are useless. A paper filter does not do well if directly wetted or muddy. It may collapse. This is why many off-road filters are foam. It is a compromise between filtering efficiency and protection from a collapsed filter. Now how many of our vehicles collapse their filters from mud and water?

However, if a filter is using "better airflow" as their marketing tool, remember this....Does it flow better? At very high airflow volumes, probably. BUT, our engines CAN'T flow that much air unless super-modified, so what is the point? The stock filter will flow MORE THAN ENOUGH AIR to give you ALL THE HORSEPOWER the engine has to give. And this remains true until the filter is dirty enough to be recognizeable. At that point performance will decline somewhat. Replace the filter and get on with it.

Hopefully the results of this test will do 2 things. Shed some light on the misleading marketing claims of some aftermarket manufacturers and/or give us new insight on products already on the market that are superior to our OE filter.


This report presents the results of an ISO 5011 test of several air filters designed for the GM Duramax Diesel. The test was independently performed under controlled conditions using a $285,000 machine at Testand Corp of Rhode Island (manufacturer of the machine).

Arlen Spicer, a GM Duramax Diesel owner/enthusiast organized the test. Testand offered to perform the tests at no charge. (These tests typically cost approx $1700.00 per filter). Ken (and employee of Testand), a Diesel enthusiast and owner of a Ford Power Stroke Diesel, shared Arlen’s interest in performing an accurate unbiased test of different types and brands of diesel engine air filters.

The filters used in the test were purchased retail and donated by Arlen and other individual Duramax Diesel owners. The detailed reports from the test have been compiled and are presented in the following pages. The final pages of this report present the behind the test.

ISO 5011 Test:

The ISO 5011 Standard (formerly SAE J726) defines a precise filter test using precision measurements under controlled conditions. Temperature & humidity of the test dust and air used in the test are strictly monitored and controlled. As Arlen learned in attempting his own tests, there are many variables that can adversely affect filter test results. A small temperature change or a small change in humidity can cause the mass of a paper filter to change by several grams.

To obtain an accurate measure of filter efficiency, it’s critical to know the EXACT amount of test dust being fed into the filter during the test. By following the ISO 5011 standard, a filter tested in Germany can be compared directly compared to another filter tested 5 years later in Rhode Island. The ISO 5011 filter test data for each filter is contained in two test reports; Capacity-Efficiency and Flow Restriction.

Capacity and Efficiency:

The Capacity and Efficiency test report presents the test results of feeding an initially clean filter with PTI Course Test Dust (dirt) at a constant rate and airflow. The course test dust has a specific distribution of particle sizes ranging from less than 2.5 microns to greater than 80 microns (see table below).

Every filter is initially tested at 350 CFM and the Initial Restriction or differential pressure across the filter is recorded in IN-H20 (Inches of Water). The filter is then tested by feeding test dust at a nominal rate of 9.8 grams per minute with a constant airflow of 350 CFM. The test is continued until the flow restriction exceeds the Initial Restriction + 10 IN-H20.

At this point the test is terminated and the amount of dust passed through the filter (Accumulative Gain) is measured. Dirt passing through the filter is captured in the Test Station’s Post Filter. The exact amount of dirt passed is determined by measuring the before and after weight of the Post Filter.

Similarly, the amount of dirt retained by the Filter under test - Accumulative Capacity – is measured by taking the difference between the before and after weights of the Filter. From these results the overall % Efficiency of the filter is calculated. This test also indicates how long a Filter will last before replacement is required (or cleaning for reusable filters).

Flow Restriction:

This report presents flow restriction of a clean filter resulting from an increasing airflow. The differential pressure restriction across the filter is reported in inches of water (IN H2O) versus Air Flow in cubic feet per minute CFM.

Data from these reports has been compiled and presented in the following bar graphs, plots and data tables.

Filtering Efficiency:

Filtering efficiency is a measure of the filter's overall ability to capture dirt.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 600 x 422)Image

Accumulative Capacity:

“Accumulative Capacity” is a measure of dirt holding/loading capacity before reaching the maximum restriction limit.

Initial Restriction + 10 IN-H20.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 614 x 397)Image

Accumulative Gain:

"Accumulative Gain" is the total amount of dirt that passed through the filter during the test.
Zoom in (real dimensions: 600 x 403)Image
(Note: The Purolator was reported to have a seal malfunction during the test and passed more dirt than it would have with a good seal.)

Initial Restriction:

Initial Restriction is the Filter under test’s resistance to flow at 350 CFM.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 619 x 419)Image

Dirt Passed Versus Total Test Time

This graph shows each the duration of each filter’s test versus dirt passed (Accumulative Gain).
Zoom in (real dimensions: 733 x 491)Image
(Note: The Purolator was reported to have a seal malfunction during the test and passed more dirt than it would have with a good seal.)

In the chart above it’s important to note the different test durations for each filter. The AC Delco filter test ran for 60 minutes before exceeding the restriction limit while the AMSOIL and K&N tests each ran for 20 and 24 minutes respectively before reaching max restriction.

In 60 minutes the AC Filter accumulated 574gms of dirt and passed only 0.4gms. After only 24 minutes the K&N had accumulated 221gms of dirt but passed 7.0gms.

Compared to the AC, the K&N “plugged up” nearly 3 times faster, passed 18 times more dirt and captured 37% less dirt. See the data tables for a complete summary of these comparisons.

Dust Loading:

The dust loading curves show graphically how each filter responded to a constant 9.8 gms/min dust flow before reaching the maximum restriction limit.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 681 x 459)Image

It’s interesting to note the shape of these Dust Loading Curves. The AC and Baldwin filters each had near linear responses until reaching maximum restriction. Restriction for these filters increased at a constant rate versus the 9.8 gms/min dust feed rate.

The other filters, most notably the oiled reusable types, had an exponential loading response before reaching maximum restriction. These filters had a lower initial restriction, but they became exponentially more restrictive under a constant flow of dirt.

This runs counter to the "myth" that oiled media filters actually "work better" as they get dirtier.

Also notice the length of the curves as it shows the relative test time for each filter (time to max restriction).

Restriction to Flow:

The Restriction to Flow curves graphically show how each “clean” filter responded to a steadily increasing flow of air up to 350 CFM.

Zoom in (real dimensions: 681 x 461)Image

The Flow Restriction response curves for each filter have the same basic shape. However, note how the AC Filter, which passed the smallest amount of dirt and had the highest dirt capacity and efficiency, also had the highest relative restriction to flow. The less efficient filters correspondingly had less restriction to flow.

This illustrates the apparent trade-offs between optimizing a filter for dirt capturing ability and maximum airflow.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Congress To Palestinians: Drop Dead!

Congress To Palestinians: Drop Dead!

May 25, 2011 1:59 pm ET — MJ Rosenberg

If anyone had any doubts about whether the Palestinians would declare a state in September, they can't have them now.

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a speech to Congress that essentially was a series of insults to Palestinians and their national aspirations. Every insult was met by applause and standing ovations.

In fact, Netanyahu's appearance itself was an insult.

In the entire history of the United States, only four foreign leaders have addressed a joint meeting of Congress more than once.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, America's great ally, addressed Congress three times during and after World War II. South African President Nelson Mandela was honored for destroying apartheid and freeing South Africa. And Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was recognized for opening negotiations with the Palestinian people.

And now Netanyahu. But for what?

In his entire term in office he has done nothing but reject every request by the United States that he take some action (like freezing settlements) to promote Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. In the history of Israel, there has been no prime minister as hardline on Palestinian rights and as indifferent to the interests of the United States as Netanyahu.

So why was he invited to address a rare joint meeting?

He was invited because the new Republican leadership of the House of Representatives wanted to demonstrate, loudly and clearly, that Congress will not support President Barack Obama in the event that he tries to achieve an Israeli-Palestinian agreement.

And that is exactly what the Netanyahu appearance achieved. The prime minister unambiguously stated that he had no intention of making peace with the Palestinians.

He began by saying that, in point of fact, there is no occupation — that "in Judea and Samaria [the term Israeli right-wingers use for the West Bank], Israelis are not foreign occupiers" but the native inhabitants. (He cited Abraham and Isaiah from the Bible!)

He said he might consider giving up some of that land but not an inch of Jerusalem. Additionally, he said that Israel would retain most settlements and insist on a military presence in the Jordan Valley (thereby ensuring that any State of Palestine would be locked in on both sides by Israel).

He said that Israel would never negotiate with a Palestinian government that included Hamas, whether democratically elected or not. He declared that not a single Palestinian would be allowed to return to Israel; not even a symbolic return would be acceptable to him.

There is little reason to elaborate. Netanyahu essentially returned to the policies that Israel pursued before Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat agreed on mutual recognition and the joint pursuit of peace.

And the worst part is not the appalling things Netanyahu said, but how Congress received them. Even Netanyahu's declaration that there is no Israeli occupation was met with thunderous applause, with the Democrats joining the Republicans in ecstatic support. Every Netanyahu statement, no matter how extreme, received cheers.

Netanyahu was also applauded wildly when he invoked Palestinian terrorism over and over again, even seeming to lump his former "partner," President Mahmoud Abbas, in with people who "educate their children to hate, [who] continue to name public squares after terrorists, and worst of all, continue to perpetuate the fantasy that Israel will one day be flooded by the descendants of Palestinian refugees."

His bottom line, which Congress fully bought, was that all Palestinians are terrorists who haven't earned a state and probably never will.

Congress cheered and cheered and, when Netanyahu was finished, they climbed over each other to touch the hem of his garment.

It was as if Congress thought that no Palestinians or other Arabs (or Muslims) would be watching. It was as if it believes that it can shout its lungs out for Netanyahu (and secure those campaign contributions from AIPAC supporters), without any consequences to U.S. policy and national interests in the Arab world or, for that matter, in the diplomatic community.

But Congress is wrong. The message it sent to the Middle East, to the whole world, in fact, was that Palestinians cannot count on the United States to ever play the role of "honest broker" between Israel and the Palestinians. Even if President Obama was inclined to, Congress would stop him. And AIPAC, using its leverage, would hold Obama's feet to the fire, too. As far as Congress is concerned, Palestinians do not exist. They have no rights — to a state least of all.

And that is why Palestinians have no choice but to unilaterally declare a state in the fall. They can no longer rely on the promise that, one day, America will do something about the occupation. As David Ben Gurion understood when he went to the General Assembly to achieve recognition of Israel, a small, powerless people must take its destiny into its own hands.

The good news is that, although Congress is in Netanyahu's pocket, the Obama administration isn't. Netanyahu insulted the president at the White House last Thursday and then again in the halls of Congress by eliciting support for policies Obama rejects. And the administration is furious.

That means that while Palestinians can and should ignore Congress, the White House and State Department are still in play. Yes, they will both go along with Netanyahu, but probably without much enthusiasm.

And they can send a signal to our allies that although the United States cannot openly oppose Bibi's policies because of Congress — and AIPAC's control of it — the allies can. The Palestinians should not give up on Obama or on Secretary of State Clinton, who cannot abide Netanyahu and made sure she was out of the country to escape being present for his speech.

And so we can look forward to a unilateral declaration of statehood in September. The Israelis who refuse to negotiate with stateless Palestinians will have no choice but to negotiate with the state whose land it is occupying. And those negotiations, state to state, may produce peace and the "two states for two peoples" that most Palestinians and Israelis aspire to. In any case, it's the only hope. (According to a new report by the editor of the Jerusalem Post, David Horovitz, there is no way the United States can use a veto to block UN recognition of the Palestinian state, a point the Israelis have missed but is not lost on the Palestinians.)

Palestinians should thank Prime Minister Netanyahu and, even more, the United States Congress for making their choice so much easier. Together they helped create the Palestinian state and did irreparable damage to America's image as a beacon of humans rights and self determination.

Americans should be deeply ashamed of their Congress.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Education expo Peshawar

Dear Sir / Madam,

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The reason behind is to create awareness among those students who wants to pursue their education in UK, Australia and Canada.

On behalf of FES Higher Education Consultants, I would like to invite you to come and join us on our 2nd Education Expo 2011.

It will be our pleasure to have you with us and answer your queries with the hope that the provided information will be beneficial for your future studies in UK, Australia and Canada.

Peshawar: 28th, 29th May @ PC Peshawar.

Timings are 11am to 7pm.

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FES Pakistan